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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'The Beggar's Song' by Black Harvest.
  2. 'Through The Eyes of the King' by Jon Oliva's Pain.
  3. I despise ads with condescending kids lecturing their parents. Just once I want something where a brat gets punched in the face.
  4. Iron Savior Centaurus-A Equilibrium Ne Obliviscaris Into Eternity
  5. I get enough of that from my mom...
  6. I keep getting ads for Sons of Anarchy...my ass. Somalis are sons of anarchy, these guys are just a bunch of hick meth-peddlers on Hogs.
  7. 'Rapp Dirty' by Blowfly. One of my best friend's favorite songs.
  8. For the non-Americans wondering what's going on, this is called 'litigation'. It's an integral part of our proud culture, dating back to when George Washington first sued Nothing but the Tooth Plc. denture company for selling him false teeth made out of hippo bone. 'What the hell,' Washington is recorded as saying at the time. 'Hippo teeth are f*$#ing huge. How the hell am I supposed to speak to the Continental Congress with these f$#*ing walrus tusks sticking out of my face?" Later, he conceded "I could probably gore Patrick Henry with them, though. Teach him to not help draft the Constitution."
  9. This is Blowfly, the master of class, and I'm here to sock some soul to your ass!
  10. 'Crown Of Thorns' by Cryptopsy.
  11. F*$#in Europeens, have to deconstruct everything...
  12. Here you go. http://metalforum.com/forum-games/728-what-s-your-mind.html
  13. What? I sure don't remember any of that...I remember it being amazingly inept and that the violence was pretty much the only thing that got any attention.
  14. Not really, I'm almost 6 foot exactly.
  15. And I'm Do Some F%#*ing Research Once In A F#*&ing While Panda.
  16. I like the color scheme, it's retro without being annoying or stupid. To be completely charitable to the snapback squad, it depends what kind of racing. Motor Trend tried to use a 425hp 2005 Dodge Charger Hemi to pursue a 3rd-gen Mazda Miata MX-5 with less than 200hp in an urban hot pursuit sort of thing and it got left in the dust.
  17. 'Guilt' by Conception. Norskie, Norskie, Norskie,...Skal, Skal, Skal
  18. There's some position in Los Alamos called Magistrate Judge or something which requires basically no qualification at all yet asks that you judge cases between lawyers. A girl I know with no college education was running against only one opponent for this position and I hope she bloody lost because she'd probably be crap.
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