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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'Deconstruction' by Devin Townsend Project. CHEESE BURRR GERRR...
  2. 'Fallout' by Devin Townsend Project. Fairly simple but still my favorite song from Sky Blue.
  3. 'Conquest' by Elysian. It's occasionally punctuated by pretty good stuff but this is for the most part just passable. It could be the drumming that's most boring me.
  4. Is that about Sundiata, the semi-mythical king of ancient Mali?
  5. 'Possessions' by Strapping Young Lad.
  6. 'The Fiction Maze' by Persuader, at probably an unhealthy volume, but then I need to focus.
  7. 'Left For Dead' by Wrath, one of Jeff Lewis' 'projects'.
  8. In English you'd say 'I'm well', and in French 'Je vais bien' (lit. I go well) or maybe 'Je fait bien' (lit. I do well).
  9. 'Ruins Underneath the Waves...' by Sulphur Aeon.
  10. Wow, is this from Jason Mendonca's tumblr or something?
  11. 'Revelations' by Circle II Circle.
  12. 'Kinetic' by Arcturus. Mixed bag, these guys, occasionally great and occasionally pretty boring.
  13. Peut-etre un personne seulement, mais c'est la Suisse, probablement il a ete un suicide assiste.
  14. Oui, et ma frere en plus. Je prefere Vladimir Cochet, il est beau, et un bon musicien; en plus il est vivant et il n'a tue personne...bonus!
  15. Ouais, je doit apprendre un langue d'etranger, donc j'ai decide sur le Francais parce que c'est commun en Afrique, et en particuliere c'est la langue officiel du Republique Democratique du Congo.
  16. 'Tongues and Knives' by Alchemist.
  17. He got to be a bit of an ass in recent years, too pleased with himself and his idiotic political theories. His old stuff is great, though.
  18. Well, that's great for them. Maybe the rest of the album won't be as rubbish as the two tracks they released. 'Madness' was boring and 'Touch In the Night' was kinda stupid. I'm amazed that this was hard for them, maybe the rest of the CD is stellar and their advertising is just really bad.
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