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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I'm surprised I didn't get a mention, I guess my ineffable charm and good looks must have extricated me from that denunciation.
  2. My favorite song, 'Long Way Home' by Threshold. Just got to the really cool bit.
  3. Hey! Nice to see another proghead!
  4. Three swords; this woman is representing the Trinity and/or the crosses of Golgotha? Interesting.
  5. 'Aux Mille Dieux' by Smohalla. Thank you Midi for this majestic, enveloping march. Carrier Flux has been awesome too.
  6. This is funny because my friend really loves his cigars.
  7. This juxtaposition is amusing.
  8. 'Ghost In The Machine' by Carrier Flux. Two minutes in and the coolest riff starts up...
  9. Starkweather reminds me of Ketha in a lot of ways. I am liking what I hear so far.
  10. Iceni


    My brother makes her move a lot more quickly and effectively than it looks like she can; it's annoying because she's also a heavy character so I keep getting duped into thinking that since he gets her to move fast she can be knocked back easily... The system is pretty cheap nowadays. My brother and I were able to get a GameCube, four controllers and the game for about $120.
  11. 'Epiphany' by Starkweather. So far this doesn't sound like genre-hopping but I do like the harsh, sparse atmosphere here.
  12. I have been on here for about 3.5 years, and I think I'm at the moment the forum's most senior member who's still active. I've thoroughly enjoyed myself here, I can come by for music recommendations, music discussions/elaborations, recommendations and discussions about other stuff, silly games, good conversations about in-depth subjects, general ranting, or a PM about any number of other assorted topics. This community is a very rewarding and enjoyable group with whom to interact. It's been entertaining and engaging to be a member here, and I look forward to staying on as the wide world this forum studies continues to evolve.
  13. Iceni


    10,000th post... I was playing Sheik. So far I also enjoy using Dr. Mario, Bowser, Ganondorf, Villager and Ike. The thing is, I was used to the GameCube layout so the newer controllers he had were a little tougher to use, mainly because of the A and B button setup and also because of the trigger size and placement. My brother and I both roll pretty easily and often, but I couldn't quite do it as easily this time 'round.
  14. Iceni


    Turns out my best friends owns SSBM 4 so I was able to play against him a bit. He's definitely a cut above me, so the majority of times he really cleaned me out (without losing a single stock, in one particularly embarrassing match), but I did manage to beat him three times in a row with him using his second-best character. He did eventually win that particular match-up, though not by much.
  15. 'Swamp-Stamp Polka' by Mechanical Poet. Fun stuff, as always I love the goofy circus atmosphere allied to intricate composition. These guys are odd, they fall into a category into which I generally only put Kamelot; a metal band that can actually write beautiful and engaging ballads.
  16. I've heard Ephel Duath and I own Akphaezya's first album, which is a great piece of work. That song Nemesis seems to be one of maybe two good ones from their newest, so I don't know why people were raving about it. Carrier Flux sounded nice, Smohalla better, so I'm giving Furze a shot now.
  17. 'Au Sol Des Todes Vides' by Smohalla. Definitely enjoying this.
  18. 'Lustmord' by Carrier Flux. This sounds like a moodier version of Mirrorthrone. The vocal harmonies are great.
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