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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Finished up 'Second Sight' by Adagio, on to 'The Inner Road' by the same band. Muh, this is not as good as Underworld so far. It's relatively dynamic power metal, the energy is OK and the structure is different but the technical aspects aren't really stunning. They don't all have to be Nevermore riffs, but it would really work to the bands advantage to throw a couple more in. The composition is still competent, even interesting, but the riffs are a little lacking. That said, this song is an improvement over the last one, with a much better chorus.
  2. 'From My Sleep...To Someone Else' by Adagio. Still enjoyable, but these power metal rhythms are beginning to annoy me. Mercifully it's all structurally diverse, melodically to the point and this glorious piano comes in just enough to make it worth listening.
  3. 'Solvet Saeclum in Favilla' by Adagio. Cool, this is like Kamelot done by proggies. Very enjoyable so far.
  4. Wow, you really hit the nail on the head here. This is exactly what I think of Georgetown night life.
  5. Har...'all the way'. The country's only about six meters across...
  6. I actually checked out a little more of that, still funny and enjoyable although I'm not sure I'd listen to it with much regularity.
  7. 'Starchild' by Star One. I think I like this album now.
  8. Not for me, I've had the same favorite for almost seven years now. I think we have a separate thread for that though.
  9. 'Siege of Baghdad' by Threshold.
  10. Iceni


    I've already done the Venetian joke, so I got nothing.
  11. Iceni


    Welcome to the forum. I like Evoken and recently I've been getting into Agalloch.
  12. 'Paradox' by Threshold. This is nice early prog, very enjoyable and good lyrics.
  13. I really like the design for the New Beetle, it's the best they could possibly do with the basic Beetle shape. It's tasteful, the styling cues borrowed from early 1950's cars help a great deal while the modern elements are nicely integrated.
  14. That's funny, I did actually get more homesick when I went to university near my parents than now. Maybe that's because it was my first year, and maybe it was because UNM students are feckless numbskulls...either way, I'm glad I got the grades I did.
  15. 'Warriors Of The World United' by Manowar. doom BLAT doom BLAT doom BLAT doom BLAT
  16. Tiny hatchback. Very South African.
  17. Technically that was mid-engine. Rear-engine is what the Porsche 911 uses, the engine is actually behind the rear axle. The Corvair's V6 was mounted between the axles, which is what made it a mid-engine vehicle. I agree, though, the Corvair did look nice.
  18. You get a horns up purely for running XP, that's what I and my parents use. The university tech people were appalled that I was still using XP when they required me to get an upgrade to run their BS internet that doesn't bloody work. I answered that I used it because it worked and I'd never had a single serious problem with it.
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