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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. As our resident Star Wars expert (in Ghouly's absence, anyway) I'd say you're more like Obi-Wan.
  2. HELL YES. That is one of the most underrated melodeath albums ever, by one of the genre's most underrated bands. For them I still think I prefer Spectral, though.
  3. I'm only this way because I'm surrounded by fools who don't know the capital of Elbonia!
  4. To my great chagrin I have to join in with the Anglophilia here and say I think Sherlock is much better. My friend pointed out that it would have been much more interesting for Holmes to be female instead - you know, because Holmes has plain flaws. Watson is flawed, but in Liu's portrayal I see little more than the typical whiny 'strong female' archetype. In Sherlock Martin Freeman does an excellent Watson, someone who actually acts like a former soldier. Benedict Cumberbatch also does a good job portraying Holmes as an intelligent but frenetic, selfish introvert. The reason I have a fair bit to say on this is because I took an entire class on the Sherlock Holmes series for English.
  5. 'De Navnlose' by Kodeks. This band has some serious talent, if only they could always marshal it as well as they do on this song.
  6. You've got more interesting stuff going on here than most metalcore/melodeath bands, especially in the opening riff which I loved. That said, breakdowns essentially always bore me so they did nothing to help my opinion of the piece. The vocals weren't bad, but some low-pitched clean vocals could sound very good. I also liked the dissonance near the end, I highly suggest making more use of that - especially to brighten up the breakdowns. This honestly reminds me a little bit of late Nevermore, so I think if you were to change the breakdowns to more of a traditional death metal feel and put in some more high-pitched lead guitar in at the chorus you'd be well on your way to really standing out. It's a genre awash with bog-standard material, but this suggests to me that your band has capabilities that can be exercised well. I'm not much of a musician or a music reviewer, but this is just my impression.
  7. And the other most irascible guy has arrived.
  8. Guess I'd better restart things then. This band, Lengsel, only has two albums. The other is a very good piece of black metal with strong pacing and well-executed riffs. And this one...this one is just odd. It's some highly sparse, and yet intense and unforgiving material that varies a fair amount. It reminds me a bit of Blut Aus Nord and Grave Miasma in places, with regards to its dissonance and sound production. This is the first track.
  9. I'm one of our forum's two most irascible members. The other guy will probably know what I'm talking about.
  10. There is a good lyrics thread already. There's a thread where you can post your own lyrics. As for bad lyrics, well... there's that one Cryptopsy song about sex with a demon that ranks as fairly gross. Still, the lyrics aren't really 'bad' per se. I think that would have to go to any number of power metal bands. Nocturnal Rites have some of the most incoherent nonsense I've ever tried to decipher. And while I still love the album 'Hero', I have to admit Divinefire's lyrics are pretty wretchedly saccharine. Still, Madness Of The Tyrant by Neron Kaisar, a song supporting the persecution of Christians in ancient Rome, is just about the most reprehensible set of lyrics I've ever seen.
  11. Is the Duke of Dissonance displeased?
  12. Yeah, an aggregate total of seven, the first being at Brisbane assuming you start from Melbourne.
  13. 'Weird Places' by Without Face. It's not mainstream at all, that's why I like it. That song is pleasant, upbeat and enjoyable.
  14. 'Retrospect' by Conception. This is some fun old-school prog, very engaging stuff with decent atmosphere and good composition.
  15. 'Towa No Kizuna' by ...no. No, there is no way in hell I am putting the band name here. Suffice to say I really love the piano here, this is what I wish pop was like. Not exactly Manticora or Ulcerate, but done with some bloody effort and a strong melodic sense.
  16. Are the class sizes pretty large? Here at Georgetown it'd be pretty tough to get on without attending a single lecture except for the larger classes with a good textbook.
  17. 'The Astral Pathway' by Adagio. They seem to have left their old classical coolness behind to make this, it has a bit of piano and neoclassical elements but they are nowhere near as compelling. The riffs have improved somewhat, though.
  18. The highest top speed I found was 175.
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