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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Peste Noire - La Sanie des siecles..
  2. Just found out there is a re-make of 1980's 'Maniac', from 2012 apparently. Seems a rather odd film to re-do, especially with Elijah Wood as Frank.
  3. Necrophagia - The Divine Art of Torture
  4. Thanks RO, hope you are doing good too Hey Macabre good to see you too missed ya.
  5. I'm glad to hear you are all doing ok That is sad that your parents had to sell after such a long time- but is good that all has worked out ok for them and I wish them tons of happiness in their new place! It's cool you got a new art project coming up too, be good to see some of your new works., I still have your cd inlays framed on my wall! Good to hear about the new band too and I am sure you will fill those shoes just fine. Be interesting to hear. I'm ok thanks, bit of family crap going down but it's ok. I've been doing some work with a friend for a photography project and just general work and life taking over. That is kind of you to say, I missed you guys. Thankyou also for the Spleen BM mention, I saw it! Made my day.
  6. Thanks my friend hope your family are doing good, also. What's new with your music and art?
  7. Hope all is good with everyone here, missed the place
  8. Darkthrone - Panzerfaust Urgehal playlist
  9. interesting^ The solitary bird of night Through the thick shades now wings his flight, And quits this time-shook tower; Where shelter'd from the blaze of day, In philosophic gloom he lay, Beneath his ivy bower. Elizabeth Carter
  10. Arsonist Lodge - Gegen Kristus
  11. Depends on ones idea of 'romance' though I am sure you have suitable rooms in your Castle for such purpose..m'Lord.
  12. Killing Joke - Love Like Blood
  13. Haven't listened to these for a while, seen them a few times. I always liked 'Screamager'. Nice post. Oh and they were around a long time before 'nu-metal' was even a thing
  14. What a great review! I am sure I mentioned this split to you ages ago, anyway, glad you feel it! It is really nice.
  15. Soft Cell - This Last Night...In Sodom vinyl.
  16. Nocturnal Depression Four Seasons..
  17. Welcome as always, we have such sights to show you..
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