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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. My Dying Bride - Turn loose the swans
  2. The fells are covered in snow here and we've had a couple of freezing hail showers. Looks beautiful but yeh bad roads.
  3. The fields out the back are covered in frost this morning, looks stunning.
  4. Taake and Windir in the same post..I think it's love.
  5. Urgehal - Through Thick Fog Till Death
  6. Only familiar with Dragonforce I'm afraid. Enjoy the forum!
  7. I didn't say the discussion was petty or shallow, I'm not staunch anti-genre I just don't take the subject as seriously as some and I was stating an observation.
  8. Welcome Any specific bands you are listening recently?
  9. Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
  10. My Dad loves anything to do with Top Gear, the old ones, hates the new line up! He was watching one the other day when they had that laal silver car effort driving round London with Hammonds' head sticking out the top! He loves it lol! You'd get on well with him!
  11. Seeing as BAN has been mentioned and he's not here to discuss nor defend his views, he has always come across as extremely well informed and his posts are always interesting to be fair. I hope he's doing well, his absence is a miss to this forum. As for the internal debate among metalheads I suppose it's just humans being human.. petty, argumentative and unfortunately shallow a lot of the time. So glad I don't bother with a lot of them.
  12. Spectral Wound - Infernal Decadence
  13. White Death s/t Sargeist - Tyranny Returns
  14. I enjoy YouTube for new music. Also Bandcamp recently and I have a couple of friends who send me music in the mail which I am always grateful for or I probably wouldn't have the pleasure otherwise. The decline of the old record shop saddens me, just buying something for the artwork and trawling through everything, so whenever I find such a shop I always make sure to buy. Saying that I saw a load of LPs in Morrisons, surprisingly, the other day including 'Bat out of Hell', I have my mothers original though.
  15. I suppose I just find it somewhat tiresome and vaguely amusing how some take it soo seriously to be honest but each to their own.
  16. Beherit - Drawing down the Moon
  17. I have never seen 'High Tension', I must look it up. 'Martyrs' left an impression. I have been watching a few of M.R.James televised stories again recently including 'Whistle and I'll come to you' also 'View from a Hill'. Takes a lot to beat these old stories psychologically speaking. I really enjoy the Scandinavian movies also the crime dramas and authors, though not specifically 'horror' I suppose still worth mentioning here, also Hammer Horror and Argento. We have a horror movie thread as I fear I am repeating myself here.
  18. The whole genre / sub genre thing has gotten ridiculous imo. Just listen to what you like. Fuck pigeonholing everything.
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