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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. I love that! Kuuhulluus..
  2. If I ever run into you promise me you'll make it quick ..
  3. You are right! It definitely does have an effect, I'm quite a sensitive person and tensions or anxieties seem to resolve at full moon, it is quite odd really but I definitely feel it so I'm totally going along with your story
  4. Yes! The Moon is such an influence on so many things in nature, it always leaves me in complete awe. Moonbathing is an interesting thing to look into if you have not heard, also you can really feel the calming effect on your mind and body. In my opinion also helps the regulation of womens cycles, so much so that I know what to expect on a full moon! although peoples opinion tends to differ on the subject, in my experience it seems to definitely have some influence.
  5. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
  6. Yeh Bloodstock is always great! Obituary are at Download, I should have been more clearer in that post above unless of course they are on Bloodstock line up now and I have missed it..Carcass at Australian Download which will be great, wish they were playing UK Download.
  7. Hello and welcome ! Hope you enjoy it here
  8. I hope she is ok, thinking of you both.. The night sky was clear as can be tonight so the moon was full and beautiful! Shame about last night but nevermind.
  9. Tonight's Wolf Moon and eclipse, I wish the skies had been more clearer..
  10. Enochian Crescent - Black Church
  11. Black Beast - Nocturnal Bloodlust
  12. If that is for me then yes of course! not from 'someone I scalped earlier'
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