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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Oh, me too, especially in contrast to fair skin...although one of my two favorite hair colors is an artificial dark red. Switzerland could be cool too.
  2. Augh no. If Miami women look anything like Pensacola women they'll be ugly as hell. Gingerbread blondes as far as the eye can see...
  3. Well, that is true of almost any country's air force...
  4. We did not know that day that the two titans would clash - but the signs were there.
  5. 'Ballerina' by Thought Industry. Wow, Hinduism's even stranger than I thought.
  6. The forum's more buggered than usual lately, what a pity.
  7. Daughter Mobius' by Thought Industry.
  8. More than what you've already taken? Don't make me laugh. I'm long past those calculations.
  9. I suppose we'll just continue to talk like negotiators in a thriller film then.
  10. No smiley face, so I guess you're serious.
  11. 'Songs For Insects' by Thought Industry. BAN was right again, I do like this. Reminds me of Psychotic Waltz.
  12. 'The Signal' by Alarum. This sounds a little like Spiral Architect combined with Death, and I'm very much enjoying it.
  13. It's a pity Ladyshredder didn't stay, she seemed nice and intelligent. But I probably have to take responsibility for scaring her off, she said something about theology that I corrected and then she seemed to get in a bit of a huff, like the ones murph gets into. I'll be working here at Georgetown all summer and I have a pretty lenient schedule (four-hour shifts), so I am mulling over the idea of taking some money and popping over to New York on a weekend to see if I could meet you at some point. I know you have your child to worry about and I don't want to disrupt your parenting, but I might just have the time. I suppose I'll see.
  14. I did notice Mere hadn't been on in a while. All my prog buddies are gone...
  15. From what I've heard, homeless people are often unemployed because they have serious mental illnesses. I would expect that to significantly affect the kind of employment one could get. That doesn't entirely explain class divisions, not by a long shot, but I do think it does have at least some effect. Another thing is that there are some jobs that are common and important in aggregate but do not pay well because the individual skill level necessary to do them is relatively low. Food service workers, for example. As long as those jobs exist people will have to fill them.
  16. 'Mind As Universe' by Persefone.
  17. You'll be amazed at how banal the answer is...To answer both of you (sorry I can't quote but the site is buggered, again), it's this one guy who keeps getting featured on Memecenter. He's a Swede, which just makes his decision to refer to the proletariat as 'us' all the more idiotic. What's morally wrong about anarchy is that as far as I can tell it's a lie. At best it promotes a 'state of nature', decrying the state as unnatural - completely ignoring the fact that the state is in fact very natural, state formation first happens in a 'state of nature'. In my opinion, when presented with that one fairly simple fact the whole philosophy completely collapses. I will admit, even by anarchist standards this guy can talk a lot without saying much. Anyhow, he's the bitchiest little asswipe who posts the most asinine, banal sentiments on the usual subjects - America is evil, government is forced upon people and humankind would be better off living in collectives where cooperation will just magically arise because there's no senate, I don't bloody know. He also approved of rioters on May Day burning down McDonald's franchises. I wouldn't take him seriously but he keeps getting featured and all these asshats keep praising his anti-establishment tantrums. To be fair, a lot of people don't buy his nonsense, but I don't think he's quite got the skull fractures he should have from getting his face properly stomped and ground into the asphalt yet. I'm taking it upon myself to try to do that. You know, for Jesus.
  18. Anarchism seems to be a theory tailor-made for credulous, petulant nitwits.
  19. 'Bloodstained Ground' by Eluveitie. I love this chorus, the rest of the song is enjoyable melodeath but the chorus is great. To use the motto of New Mexico, 'it grows as it goes'.
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