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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Just sent in a resume for a position at the National Democratic Institute's Southern and Eastern African office here in DC. It would be real cool if I got the position, I could finally start doing work relevant to my interests.
  2. YEEEESSS Mirrorthrone is superb, there are only about one or two songs Cochet's ever written that I didn't just absolutely love, and those songs were still pretty good.
  3. 'Frozen Hell' by Perihellium. This is good prog, but I'm kind of hemming and hawing over it since it doesn't quite grab my attention even though it's well-executed.
  4. Bah, j'ai travaille a un restaurant avec une femme dictatorial et blase, qui ne m'aime pas. Le sentiment a ete mutuel, c'est un bonne chose que je ne lui ai pas tuer avec mes nus mains. Avant cela j'ai eu travaller a McDo avec plus des psychopaths. And that pun 'Glaceni' was absolutely splendid.
  5. 'Shutter Asylum' by Prospekt.
  6. 'Dissident Priests' by Prospekt. I wish there was more material I could listen to from these guys, they're great so far.
  7. Tu aurais du parler un phrase comme 'Oh, la la, je suis belge, je travaille a Fabrique Nationale et je mange plus des waffles et chocolat.' Un chose comme ca, tu sais.
  8. 'Heremit' by Joseph Magazine. Still fun stuff. A bit of this album is kind of mild, but it's still good. Reminds me a little bit of Haken although a little less inventive. However, they are more to the point and heavier, so I'll still chalk that up as an improvement.
  9. D'accord, je prefere Anglais mais j'avais pense que je pouvais parle un peu de Francais. Mais peut-etre c'est un bon idee, je doit parler Francais donc mes pouvoirs de la langue ne meurent pas... Pas assez, vous paresseux batard.
  10. 'Liquid Dream' by Joseph Magazine. More excellent Polish prog, very much enjoying this.
  11. 'Blob' by Ketha. Vicious Polish tech-death with jazzy elements, interesting rhythms and dissonance. The smell of Gorguts lingers over it, and I'm loving the stuff so far. FA, you should definitely try this.
  12. I am curious to find out which financial institution requires you to dress up as a naughty policeman as part of the interview process.
  13. Oh boy, this thread is so much more fun now that everybody's pissed! I'm in my element here! And that opinion was ill-considered, myopic, poorly explained and unsupported. If you would like to contradict my claim instead of making petulant protestations to courtesy, go right ahead. Free speech is a terrible thing to waste.
  14. I was considering trying to make a day trip to New York but I haven't been paid yet and I don't have anywhere near the money necessary to buy a bus ticket. I suppose I'll see how the summer pans out.
  15. It's still being produced, it just has much smaller advertising campaigns. There's plenty of great stuff being made right now.
  16. Yeah, I'm living in a section of the university which seems to have a lot of party people. Kinda sucks but it's not awful...yet.
  17. That thing has 200 horsepower and does 0-60 in 8.3 seconds. By comparison, this is a 1997 Ford Crown Victoria - the model my mom drives. With the performance and handling package, it makes the same horsepower and does 0-60 in 8.7 seconds.
  18. Metal bands can write what they like. If anything metal is about independent-mindedness.
  19. Oh, not this crap again. If cross-genre influences were anathema the Arabian scale would be forbidden, as would elements from folk (so that's quite a lot of the black metal market axed, as well as all folk metal) jazz (several tech-death bands) neoclassical (Yngwie Malmsteen and countless power, black and tech-death groups), techno (all industrial metal) symphonic music (a vast swath of black, death and power metal) blues (a large chunk of traditional metal, many prog groups). Also, no DSO, Unexpect, Akphaezya, Karaboudjan, Myrath, Panzerballett, Thy Catafalque, or Sigh. I'm so sick and tired of these slope-skulled quadrupeds grunting their inquietude about the 'purity of metal'. It's not a problem if somebody wants to listen to the same four albums rehashed over and over, but when they decry the defilement of their genre as if they're Angel Clare bemoaning the seduction of Tess it just gets tiresome. If they don't like evolution then the question has to be asked why they're still following metal news in the first place when they're clearly of the opinion that metal history stopped in 1994.
  20. That's nothing, I piss magma and crap out obsidian.
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