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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Den can ah hav a cookie?
  2. 0-60 in 4.7 seconds? That's very good. It looks a bit pricy though, I could probably get a decent Challenger for less than $43,000.
  3. I saw a Toyota RAV4 with an Inquisition decal at Georgetown about a month ago, that was odd.
  4. I have two tour shirts that I still wear even though I didn't go to the gigs, because I really like the two bands. As for wearing a metal shirt when you're not into metal - it might not be indicative of any obnoxious mindset on your part but the impression metalheads will probably get is of a poser. However, if you said 'actually I don't listen to them, I just like the shirt' then I suspect people would leave you alone. They'd be a bit disappointed but not pissed. What would piss them off would be if you acted as if you were a big fan.
  5. Pity they only ever released one album.
  6. You can't have a negative kill-death ratio, that's not possible.
  7. Well, my speakers finally broke yesterday so I'm on the market for a new set.
  8. Same here, I really want to like Hacride but they just kinda drag a lot of the time. Is it their new one you're listening to just now? True, it's not exactly groundbreaking. However, it is some of the best brutal death metal I've ever heard, I liked it quite a bit. It reminded me of Element but was more interesting and varied than Arkaik, so that's good.
  9. Take it from somebody who used to be a fan, Masterplan is crap and they just keep getting worse. Don't waste your time; 'Crimson Rider', 'Lost and Gone' and 'I'm Not Afraid' are really the only three good songs they've done that I remember. There are much better prog/power bands; Pyramaze, Nocturnal Rites, Morifade and Saint Deamon, for example. I think Galloglass is fairly similar and greatly superior as well - one of my favorite overlooked talents - so give them a shot. Hell, Kamelot could wipe the floor with these guys.
  10. Not if you're my dad, then you have the mighty South African accent on your side and can charm anyone into doing stuff for you.
  11. 'Sacrificial Ritual' by Beneath.
  12. Wow, 60+ hours? Good on ye for bearing up under that schedule...
  13. 'Night Witches' by Sabaton. Hooray for the Northrop P-61!
  14. Babymetal's not bad, actually. But yes, Prostitute Disfigurement might be the most deathcore name I've ever heard.
  15. 'Time Must Have A Stop' by Votum. Verreh naaaice.
  16. There's an Icelandic group called Dysthymia which is getting good reviews so I'm going to give them a shot. Unfortunately they're black metal so I have to set aside two days just to listen to a demo...
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