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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Sorry, I got you and the Avernus guy mixed up... I've changed it now. I'm going to continue telling people that tidbit until it becomes common knowledge. In any case, the inverted cross is a hilariously stupid symbol, it's the kind of thing gangs do when they're tagging...
  2. Also, that cross is a St. Peter's cross, which represents humility...
  3. Iceni


    If my experience with my parents is any indication, it's because they're entertaining the desperate hope that you won't be quite as awful as whenever last you played. My dad still wants a full geopolitical explanation as to why he has to shoot stormtroopers...
  4. 'Ominous Octopus' by Disembarkation. Quite possibly the best song title ever.
  5. The 'Equilibrio' album by Xystus.
  6. I'm going to give RomeoXJuliet a try, apparently the dub is very good in terms of voice and animation and the story's fairly interesting.
  7. 'Love' by Strapping Young Lad.
  8. Nobody gets mad here in the US, which might be because the only people here who care about soccer are Mexicans...and they're rooting for Mexico.
  9. Yup, I was happy to see the Netherlands win against Spain.
  10. 'PSI'k On Out' by Tenebris. Ah, it's just got vicious now. This is weird, it's like a combination of Votum and Ketha. I like the synthesis but I'm worried they won't be able to keep this up.
  11. If you like grunge I suggest Klone, they're a mix of prog and grunge with a bit of Katatonia.
  12. What do you mean, 'this world'? Most of this world is run by authoritarians and dysfunctional democracies - and those regimes are the least immediate of the problems for any given individual living there. Those people do indeed care about what's really important - namely, their survival. Even in countries with more stable political systems, enthusiasm is often hobbled by ignorance, willful or otherwise. Take the fervor of support for intervention in Syria as an example. There are many activists demanding a solution Right Now and who will Not Take No For An Answer, but these people are idiots. No amount of compassion is likely to resolve the civil war - it needs a handful of decisive victories to be won by a side that has the power to defeat all of the opposition forces, and it seems that no such group exists. Other examples of enthusiastic ignorance would be Occupy Albuquerque, Kony 2012 or the witless activists my Dad had to deal with in his old job, just misguided campaigns that held the attention of the public for a while and did bugger-all because nobody actually understood what the issues were or how what they were doing would affect anything at all. Most entertaining had to be all the Burque socialists demanding a halt of government support to businesses without a hint of sodding irony. If people cared about things that actually mattered the best we could hope for would be that the will of the people would be more faithfully communicated. That in itself is always a good thing, but what the people will might turn out to be a bad decision.
  13. ^How is that? One of the metalheads on campus gave it a rave review but I've not listened yet.
  14. Iceni


    Couldn't agree less with this sentiment, but I'll admit I'm very curious to read your lyrics now.
  15. Superb musicianship, crap lyrics. Same goes for what I've heard from Vital Remains and Beyond Creation.
  16. Iceni


    If that interpretation is true then that author chose a remarkably obtuse metaphor. There are separate terms we'd use in English; I think the better word would be anti-idealism or anti-theism.
  17. Iceni


    Misanthropy: hatred or dislike of other people (Merriam-Webster) Misanthropy: a dislike of humankind (Oxford English Dictionary) I'd appreciate it if you could explain that quote, it didn't make a stitch of sense to me.
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