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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Oh wow. That's definitely sad. My brother will miss him.
  2. I wonder how many people really do finish being possessed by the flesh in their pants, though.
  3. 'Viva Loa Vegas' by Troldhaugen. One of the most awesome stupid songs I've ever heard.
  4. Maybe one of the reasons I find the bespectacled guy funny is because he looks kinda like a housemate of mine from last semester.
  5. I don't know, I prefer waterfront to the beach because I have Anakin Skywalker syndrome and don't really like sand. The rest of my family love it, though. I dunno, didn't you get a girlfriend this year? That's gotta count for something.
  6. I liked Mark Strong in Sherlock Holmes as the cult leader, but I think he outplayed the role. It was a bit like how Werner Herzog played a crime lord in Jack Reacher and generally gave the impression that he should have been playing someone who posed a much bigger threat - either a more powerful mob boss, or just Emperor Palpatine, whichever.
  7. wfPOANlbyWw This one is from a similar guy. It builds slowly but I'd say it gets funny roundabout 4:11. EDIT: This...this here was great... ji3Z_6PBTDs
  8. People have called it juvenile and I think they might be right, though not quite in the condemnatory disdainful context in which the word is typically employed. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the folks are at heart just thinking about how the human body can be destroyed and enjoying the mess, rather than specifically getting off on it. That's not going to stop me from disliking it (and decrying films that celebrate sadism, which would actually be bad), but I'm not quite in a rush to indict them for a moral evil. I don't know, I could well be wrong.
  9. I love the Narrative Djent and Ambient Space Water Float Groove because they both reminded me a lot of Fallujah, and I love me some Fallujah...
  10. 'Deconstruction' by Devin Townsend Project. CHEESEBURGER CHEESEBURGER CHEESEBURGER
  11. I don't know, I thought the humor was a little blunter - and also he focuses extremely heavily on core and DM genres rather than much of anything else. It was still fairly amusing though. I liked his 'alternate genre names' videos too, especially the Progressive Narrative Djent Core, #Illuminati nwo metal (Scar Symmetry), Elitist Fap Metal, and Ambient Space Water Float Groove... 0aHI09XyuFk
  12. "On the 6th of June on the shores of Western Europe 1944 D-Day upon us!" -Sabaton Happy Nazi-Stomping Day to all.
  13. The long-awaited action film starring Jonas Renkse.
  14. Man, Leprous have become really weak all of a sudden. Almost like they're riddled with a degenerative disease that causes vital parts to fall off, leaving less and less behind. I thought Coal was a dull drag of an album, didn't understand the reviews at all...and then Congregation was even quieter and even more boring. I could understand having a tough time topping Bilateral (although it certainly wouldn't have been impossible), but for them to just lose all of their appealing points save for the voice of their frontman seems like a tragic loss. I'm sure they could do something energetic again, but unfortunately since they're prog they've probably gone milder as a result of looking up their own asses. As a result, they're not likely to change significantly and even if they did it'd probably be a really token effort. Also, what the hell is up with bands getting so bloody repetitive lately? I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's for 'building atmosphere', but it helps to have at least a little variegation. Besides, good buildup usually...you know, builds up. 'The Price' from Leprous has got to be one of the worst examples of this I've heard in a while, which sucks because the actual chorus to the song isn't bad from what I remember. And for goodness' sake if you're going to repeat something to build atmosphere make it engaging/interesting. Meshuggah's 'Rational Gaze' is great example of this, but 'The Price' has this same pretentiously bad riff that has all the aural effect of being fed hot, flat, gone-off Pepsi drop by drop.
  15. I thought you didn't like The Giant? I have to agree though, that artwork sure does make it look interesting.
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