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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Me too. It gives off a very worshipful tone to my ears, but then that might just be the church choirs and choir melodies that Dev puts into everything...'Save Our Now' was my favorite from that album though.
  2. I've never gotten into them, they always struck me as trying way too hard to be awesome. It was a good effort, they just weren't in any way interesting. Same goes for Urban breed's new thing Project Arcadia.
  3. I wanna go to ProgPower USA sometime when the lineup is good - and to see Unexpect live at some point. It'd also be great to go to the Bovington tank museum in the UK. I can't say I've come up with much more than that.
  4. Wow, I thought it was supposed to have this fancy state-of-the-art 4WD system and it has traction problems? Of all the drawbacks to have...you have the one that defeats the purpose of the tech you thought was so cool that the engine had to be raised?
  5. I dunno, the 612 Scaglietti seemed like a lumbering indolent oaf so I guess if the 599 doesn't have a significantly improved chassis...The F12 might just be more of the same since it's a GT car, but the LaFerrari's a mid-engine hybrid which makes a little under 800hp and my guess would be handles just fine. Apparently the FF's a weird animal but does whatever it's supposed to do very well.
  6. Iceni


    Listening to Mock the Week, eating pizza and drinking Vanilla Coke.
  7. 'Lost In Static Between Worlds' by Thantifaxath. So the album's still fairly interesting, though like I said the first track has been the one to most interest me.
  8. I think she was just quoting from the Bristled Words of the North album In Ye E'er Fulldarknessed Necrophantasmick Halls ov Wilkinsons.
  9. Moonsorrow, now there's a band I've tried to get into but never managed. I even remember liking some material I heard from them but still the songs seem long and kinda dull. I didn't like Eternally Falling for being an acoustic track, but it's fairly good for what it is. I will say the rest of the album seems a little underwhelming compared to the opener but by no means bad.
  10. I love that the Viagra ads on Hulu and TV more generally always have this at the bottom: "See our advertisement in Golf Digest!"
  11. Really? The 599 GTB, LaFerrari and F12 are just lifeless exercises in engineering?
  12. Work is a pretty good time for me to spin slower-paced long stuff...since it always feels like I'm there for ages. Even then Esoteric seems to drag a bit. However, when I try to put on faster material I just feel like I'm missing out. I listened through 'Blasted Into Lunacy' by Cephalic (a superb technical, DM release, by the way, among the best I've ever heard) and I barely got anything done because it was all so manic.
  13. The 'Sacred White Noise' album by Thantifaxath. There was something implacably goofy about 'The Bright White Nothing at the End of the Tunnel', but it actually works very well in the same way that the tuba in Abstract Spirit sounded a bit silly. It's silly in an uncanny, amorphous and almost perverse sort of way, like the witches in Madoka Magica. You don't know what they are, and they almost look stupid, but they've just bitten off your best friend's head...and you don't even really know how. In a more general sense, this album is so far about as masterful and engagingly composed as FA and others were saying it was. I will probably give it another listen at work day after tomorrow.
  14. I tried a similar thing with a Dark Cabaret mix, hoping to hear some kind of smooth, catchy swing being crooned by some lovely velvet-toned siren in evening gloves, but unfortunately I got some goofy Spooky Scary Skeletons vaudeville crap ineptly mixed with blues.
  15. Mine too... it's a flip phone, the hinge is broken so it now swings freely...
  16. Geez, I'd take that HammerFall shirt depending on which one it is and what size...
  17. Oh. I thought everything with the old logo had Lord Worm on it...
  18. Another reason would be that post-Worm Cryptopsy also sucks a fetid set of putrefacted whale nads.
  19. It's less disgustingly humid here than it usually is, but still rubbish. At least it's not raining as badly as it was for the past few weeks.
  20. Iceni


    Well stop listening to Kataklysm then.
  21. Sesame chicken with fried rice, and mango Fanta.
  22. 'Protector' by Iron Savior, on to 'The Long Way Down From Eden' by Disillusion. Welcome back! Also great choice. I guess given your location it wouldn't be out of the question for you to see them pretty regularly.
  23. I've had the same feeling with a number of friends, and even my best friend once or twice. It seems like he was just genuinely busy though. Give him time to come 'round, friendships can frequently go dormant for a spell.
  24. ^I don't know, is there any situation where anyone likes clean sound production better? ...I mean I frequently do, but then I'm a weirdo who doesn't do alcohol, full albums or small breasts.
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