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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. They did, the 918 is a hybrid.
  2. 'Leviathan' by Akercocke. Man I love this song...
  3. Thinks inversion equals symbolic reversion.
  4. 'Magnification' by Blood Covenant.
  5. Well, I took one look at the lyrical concept and said no, I will not pay them to write this pretentious overwrought drivel. That said, I did listen to a handful of songs and I wasn't really all that impressed. It seems they went with the Projector and Haven era for this one, so stylistically I didn't care for it even when it was being done well.
  6. I think Ghouly would contribute, as would btbam91, but I think that Ghouly's been really busy and btbam's been having trouble with getting posts on the forum.
  7. How come? For my listening tastes it was actually the worst part of the song because it involved Corey Taylor's clean vocals coupled with some pretty boring guitar.
  8. I don't really know. It is true that metal is vastly Caucasian and that generally metal is most commonly produced in the highest-income countries in the world, but why that is I'm not really sure. It may have something to do with needing electrical equipment, but that's not exactly a good explanation since reggae is popular in a lot of countries where metal's almost unheard of. I don't think it's a class thing, though. Metal is pretty big in Latin America, so it's not as if metal's a genre that only the rich can appreciate. There are a handful of African bands, Botswana and South Africa predictably having the biggest scenes, so I don't think it's racial either.
  9. Well no, it doesn't help, because it's still not a fair comparison. Of course it'd be thrashed by all-fuel cars, that's not the point. The point is that for a purely electric car, it's very impressive.
  10. I've been accepted for a position in DC over the summer here at the university, which is great. It might be a bit tough, but it seems like they want to encourage a rapport between staff - and that could really help with managing whatever stress comes along. Plus it's actually a paid part-time position and I get free housing, so a good deal overall. I still need to sort out some paperwork but that shouldn't take long.
  11. Well, that would explain the ghosts thread...
  12. Well, if I'm perfectly honest I don't actually like the rear-engine layout, it seems anachronistic.
  13. What on earth is so great about Psychosocial? It's an incredibly boring song, even Jordison's usually interesting drumming is reduced to immensely simple drivel and the riffs are so bad that I have no shame in saying I have composed and played more interesting stuff. The composition is also wretchedly uninteresting; at least an oddball structure could have alleviated the worthless riffs on this sucker but as it stands the two faults complement each other to make the song highly forgettable. I'd say it fails even as a pop song because everything is so bloody lazy. Psychosocial, even for Slipknot, strikes me as poorly executed and terminally dull.
  14. Iceni

    5 word thread!

    Yeah, didn't you see them?
  15. That Baal Gradrial was decent but dragged a bit in my opinion. Nonetheless I do have to agree, the melodic sensibility was nice. So, murph knows and loves these guys, as do I, but I thought I'd make an official recommendation. QL76lRIo8JQ Sympathy are one of the best technical death metal bands on the planet. Their riffing is relentlessly heavy, technical, groovy and frequently intense, which the drumming and composition complements very well. They also write fairly interesting lyrics.
  16. That's a little like saying a spider can be mauled by a tiger. True, but not really a useful comparison.
  17. On the plus side, Finland beat the US and Russia in hockey in the Olympics.
  18. I don't think so, that Porsche 918 looks pretty awesome. I think it has something like a sub-3-second 0-60 time. That and it's nicely styled.
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