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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'Endless Vortex' by Martyr. Hm. I'm actually liking this less as I listen more. I think FA was right, these vocals are starting to get on my nerves.
  2. 'Virtual Emotions' by Martyr.
  3. That is a beautiful album. I hope you enjoy it.
  4. 'Remnants' by Antestor. This album is getting more interesting and tight as I go along.
  5. My family are still watching Burn Notice together, it's really nice.
  6. 'Blame' by DGM. Beautiful piano on this!
  7. 'The Kindling' by Antestor. These guys seemed to get good reviews so I'm giving this a shot. So far the composition isn't exactly knocking my socks off, but it's good enough and mercifully not so boring that I'm willing to just drop it. This third song is good so far. It's a proud tradition!...at least once everyone's had about three cups of Krisjan Lemmer's famous peach brandy.
  8. Your hill shrivels and dies being that there is no agriculture to support it. Sauron's hill.
  9. A very good point. The US has done a good legal job of avoiding that trend and I hope it continues to do so.
  10. 'Destruction's Czar' by Drottnar.
  11. That was reasonably interesting, but I wasn't fascinated with it. It may have been that the instrumentation was what threw me off, but of all things it started to feel monotonous after a while. From a technical standpoint it was good, the structure was decent and Patton's vocals were enjoyably weird. That said, it didn't hold my attention very much.
  12. I start making some buttered corn at the base of the hill. Once I've lured you down I saunter up and claim the hill.
  13. Nuclear Death was all right, but I have to say I don't hear the unsettling atmosphere. They seemed decent death metal with some atmosphere, but otherwise they didn't strike me particularly. Martyr is fun, I didn't like them all that much for a while but since I found out I like Individual Thought Patterns, it seemed long overdue to come back to give them another go round. It's very nice tech-death, doesn't feel rushed but keeps your attention. I'd put up another band (it'll probably be Pagan's Mind, Manticora or Sickening Horror) but I'd rather wait for more Sympathy reactions.
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