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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'Nebulous Termini' by Frantic Bleep.
  2. 'Mandaughter' by Frantic Bleep. DO NOT BREAK THE BLEEPCHAIN
  3. 'Curtainraiser' by Frantic Bleep. MORE BLEEPINGS NEEDED
  4. '...But a Memory' by Frantic Bleep. No, you two broke my Frantic Bleep chain.
  5. I take that definition of agnosticism, yes. My definition of relativism posits the equal validity of all values and ideas, regardless of how seemingly immoral they are.
  6. Iceni


    I might suggest beginning with Mirror of Retribution and then going forward.
  7. 'The Expulsion' by Frantic Bleep. Thanks to BAN for this, more fun prog in the vein of countrymen Twisted Into Form and Spiral Architect.
  8. Well, FFDP have all of DevilDriver's lyrical problems with maybe 20% of their talent. For the record, I do think there's something to the use of turntables in metal. It's not necessarily a kind of stylistic dead end - I think it'd be worth exploring outside of a hip-hop context.
  9. 'Vale Of Tears' by Antestor. This is absolutely fantastic.
  10. I thought the video for 'Sock n' Doll' by Kontrust was funny even if the song itself was pretty stupid.
  11. 'The Crown I Carry' by Antestor.
  12. That might take the cake for most hilariously unsettling song title I've ever seen...
  13. I've probably already said this, but I mainly like Celtic folk music as my non-metal go-to genre. I also very occasionally listen to some worship bands and electronica. Hard rock's also enjoyable, usually I go for 70's to 80's material. And also some dijeridoo music.
  14. 'Old Times Cruelty' by Antestor. Very good black metal, I like this.
  15. I would think there were safety problems. Last time hydrogen was used as a fuel the Hindenburg detonated...
  16. 'Deserted Waters' by Martyr.
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