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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Lowers word count by mashingwordstogethertocreateiwrestedabearoncecoverbandnames.
  2. 'Strong As Death' by Azmaveth. More unblack that sounds relatively good.
  3. You sure look like a melodeath fan. By which I mean you look normal.
  4. It sounds like RO finally got his big break.
  5. Prefers the Lockheed-Martin styling approach.
  6. 'The Old Walking Song' by Rivendell. Sounds Middle Eastern at this point rather than European folk, but it's still enjoyable.
  7. Yes, that would be it. Something C.S. Lewis pointed out was that once somebody makes a focus for their worship they immediately tie that and the worship together, which lends importance to the symbol when in fact the doctrine/prayer/devotion is the important thing. As for the point of crucifixes and prayer beads...yes, the literature seems to say that they are foci and nothing more. However, if I recall correctly that praying the rosary is a sacrament and therefore having and using a rosary is sacred - which by extension makes the rosary sacred. The Eucharist and the doctrine of trans-substantiation are idolatrous as well, to a much greater extent, and it's a much better example of what I'm talking about. The lyrics in general are anti-materialist in a broad sense, as I mentioned before. Water and gold are both mammon whichever way you slice it. The consecration of one by clergy does not change its nature, and does not make it worthy of reverence.
  8. 'A Desolation Song' by Agalloch. ...and still the snow falls.
  9. So, I finally finished up another set: Idol Hands Do you love your lord? Even as it speaks through splintered lips ‘Twixt its sonnets, of ontology In anxiety Bark peeling from burning shame-faced cheeks Betrays itself; a pathology Words spill forth whilst it clings to accompanying podium Desperately driving its roots into osteologic soil Fingers itch for what to do They will craft someone, but who? Our weakness puts us in need of guidance When left to roam in the barren wastes of happenstance Given a light and given this earth Shall we? Fold hands and end the dearth? Intangible sound rattling round our skulls Do you imagine it comes from this? Xylologic manifestation Its bark is as worthless as its kiss Whittling another Malapropriation of thought Not exactly what you’ve had in mind Contrast the result With your transcendent hopes. Poorly carved... Those are not what you’ve designed What dazz’ling oaken heights it reaches, in arboreal strength With its unburdened branches seeking a root amongst the clouds Planting, carving begins anew As soon as harvest is past due
  10. Iceni


    I'm as fond of flattering women's business formal attire as the next man, but this forum seems to have a real yen for office sex.
  11. My next album is going to be with my grind/tech DM project, Gastronomic Mortuary...
  12. Abhors the 3-cylinder. Then again, I would too on anything except a motorbike.
  13. No. I'm the guy with awful food taste on the forum. I like McDonald's, Wendy's and Chik-Fil-A, and I'm not ashamed to say it!
  14. And fast food is a constitutional right.
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