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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I have recently discovered the music of The Fat Boys. That is all.
  2. 'The Crimson Portrait' by Dark Empire. Better than I remember...that's good. These vocals are nothing compared to Carlsson but they're functional.
  3. 'Leviathan' by Iron Fire. HELL YEAH. I didn't guess that at all...
  4. 'Dreams Of The Dead Moon' by Iron Fire. On the Ocean Color of Iron. That's a cool song title.
  5. Iceni


    So do you lot have Chik-Fil-A over in Yoorupp?
  6. Seriously? I always thought of Gengar as a leery fatass. Now Haunter is cool...
  7. Oh come on, Honchcrow looks splendid. It's like an avian Doc Holliday. How is that not awesome?
  8. Iceni


    I usually get a lot back from them. An 8-count nugget box from Chik-Fil-A, for example.
  9. Aww, that's cute. They're wearing little Puritan hats!
  10. 'Taken' by Iron Fire. Enjoyable, but not technically stellar. This composition is really what does it for me.
  11. 'Batsou Yume Uta' by Diggy 'MO.
  12. My house is pretty tall. That said, our modem is kind of old and I think we have transmission problems.
  13. 'Land Of Flames' by Sea Of Dreams. Apparently this is very good prog, still waiting for it to kick in.
  14. Yeah. Thanks! That was what I was, um...going for. Yup.
  15. Tait has approached me about moderating before but I was not interested. I think other forum members would make a more mature use of the power vested in them than I would.
  16. Yeah, I know there's ProgPower Europe each year in Baarlo, that sounds cool. Even aside from that there are plenty of large urban areas, which means more gigs.
  17. I'd be happy to go to the Netherlands for a gig, it's got a lot of interesting stuff and it's small enough I could traverse the entire country by pogo stick.
  18. We once had many mods...Apoc, Zyggie and Avada, among others. They are all gone now.
  19. That's nice of you, but I've failed more in that endeavor than I care to admit.
  20. I'm trying to avoid becoming very up myself about the whole thing. I'll brag more when I've finished my studies. Even then I really can't talk until I've at least got a Master's and a decent job in my field.
  21. 'Crawling From The Grave' by Azmaveth. Good unblack metal from Puerto Rico. They're no Antestor, but certainly nowhere near as bad as many of their peers. I'm from Los Alamos, NM.
  22. Nah, I haven't. It's a pity too, since I missed them in Denver at one point when I could feasibly have gone.
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