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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Welcome to the forum, good to have another American around.
  2. Iceni


    I confess, I did not have my socks blown off by The Sound Of Perseverance. Individual Thought Patterns is still more enjoyable to my ears.
  3. I've worn a kilt on numerous occasions, actually...I was part of a Scottish dance group for six years. I wore athletic shorts beneath though.
  4. 'Urberget, Aldst av Troner' by Vintersorg. This is fairly different, it's not bad.
  5. That's exactly it. The funny thing is that most of them listen to exactly the same crap.
  6. My thinking precisely. I went with the more crotch-friendly variety.
  7. Metallica doesn't really hold my fancy. I'm not particularly fond of them or any other thrash bands outside of Deliverance and Realm.
  8. I own a similar pair of shorts.
  9. 'Den Svarta On' by Karaboudjan. I hear steel drums. That needs to be done more often.
  10. To be fair, Williams' bouncing around is more or less what I do when I'm listening to music on my computer. I do wish they'd hired somebody professional to do their logo, it looks like rubbish. That said, the music sounded OK to me.
  11. Well, there's 'Black Bart' by Volbeat...
  12. D'accord, merci. I'm going to give them another go since I reacted well to Agalloch and to a lesser extent the new In Vain album.
  13. So, is Ecailles De Lune a metal album overall? I ask because I don't like shoegaze at all but I didn't mind Agalloch's Ashes Against the Grain.
  14. 'Transcience: A Moment For Our Eternity' by Lascaille's Shroud.
  15. 'The Battle of Geeheeb' by Pan.Thy.Monium. Man, the part that starts at 3:12 is just fantastic...
  16. 'Disenthralled: Into The Bulk' by Lascaille's Shroud.
  17. I don't have any expectations either way. However, I do think there is a problem with 'girl bands'. It's not the fact that they're all female - more that they use it as their sole advertising schtick. A couple of groups seem to rely mainly on the absence of phalli in their membership to sell their music, rather than their actual talent. This can happen in mixed-sex groups as well; everyone raves about Angela Gossow of Arch Enemy and Simone Pluijmers of Cerebral Bore because they're women, not because they're good. By contrast, Runhild Gammelsaeter of Thorr's Hammer actually is a good vocalist (or so I hear), but that's not the sole or even primary selling point of the band. Simone Dow of Voyager is a pretty good guitarist but the band never makes a big deal out of her sex. The same goes for bassist Roxanne Constantin of Quo Vadis and keyboardist April Sese from Suspyre. It's not impossible for women to be good metal players, but typically when they emphasize their sex as their defining characteristic in plugging their band's material, it suggests that they are compensating for something.
  18. Lascaille's Shroud Witherscape Pan.Thy.Monium Animations Conception
  19. It's funny that you use the word 'sharp', one of the first Word documents I made was a list of my favorite cars, called something like 'A Compendium of Sharp Cars'...
  20. Yeah, I have. Looks nice! It's a pity they didn't make the HSC, that was a great design.
  21. I don't suppose you've met Dave.
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