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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Wasn't that a hot commodity in Demolition Man?
  2. It's a large bag for 2.15 Euros, or $2.67, that's not expensive. $5 is expensive for chips.
  3. I see the commoners have made you comfortable, O Brother in Prog. Will you be taking your nectar and ambrosia with sugar or cream?
  4. Using only my bare hands I once carried a cupboard which was larger than me.
  5. As a college student I can say with authority: that's not a bad deal for potato chips.
  6. Tax-funded health insurance. As an American I'm told this is what really motivates you pucksmackers.
  7. apparently severely schizoid...
  8. 'The Battle of Geeheeb' by Pan.Thy.Monium.
  9. I had a TA from Scotland who said he loved Edinburgh weather.
  10. Because I tried to play it once and as far as entertainment value was concerned I'd rate it just below Microsoft Excel.
  11. If it were Dungeons and Dragons, then yes. You would be the nicest person ever.
  12. musical project featuring
  13. The other Threshold fan here! ...in the same way Stevie Wonder has a 'sense' of the Aurora Borealis.
  14. Dan Swano collaborated
  15. To be honest, there's a substantial portion of the metal community that wholeheartedly accepts and cultivates the wrongheaded stereotypes people have about the genre. This forum's early unblack thread is proof of that. Ironically enough, these people usually know the least about metal in the first place, and are thus in a sense 'posers' - in that they 'pose' as well-informed individuals speaking for the genre.
  16. Sounds like my debating style.
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