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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. The thing is, I've grown leery of the idea of trying to characterize 'man' in broad strokes. Of course, I do still hold to my theological notions, but those are a different subject entirely. I realize I've not met most folks in the world so I can't speak with authority on what they tend to think unless I get some good polling suggesting otherwise. Even then it's usually very specific stuff that only allows so much leeway in interpretation. One of the main things I've been learning here at the university is just how complex the world really is.
  2. That's interesting, actually, because that does seem to be what he's looking for in the survey.
  3. Really? I was expecting: Chthonic Helminths - "Grating Omnipotent Inevitability Personified Via Innumerable Legion Maws Ov Sinister Writhing Wyrms".
  4. I don't think that's the entirety of his basic sentiment, it's a two-part proposition. From what I can tell the gist of his statement was that mankind's effect on the earth has been detrimental - and that because that effect has been detrimental, every human being must die. It's one thing to equate human life with animal life, I can at least understand how one would come to that conclusion; and I wholeheartedly agree that to insert an 'ought' into the evolutionary process is suspect, but taking the ought at face value I find it bordering on the depraved. He is positing as a moral good the destruction of the entire human race in order to pave the way for whatever improved homo superior will supplant us.
  5. I think he means heavy metal (in a very loose generic sense, referring to the bands everyone already knows) and I answered the survey as such.
  6. I'm the best nitpicker this side of the Atlantic.
  7. 'Mountains In The Sky' by Pomegranate Tiger. Thanks to Mere for this recommendation.
  8. Augh, I thought Franz Fanon was bad... Just now I had to suffer through a redux that might just be the biggest crock of aggressively idiotic, ignorant and hateful sh*t I'll see this year.
  9. 'Mutant Wars' par Unhuman. MERDE OUAIS. This drumming is spectacular and vocals are weird as hell.
  10. Yes. Sit back... and feel the stupid.
  11. Cool, maybe BAN won't delete the thread then.
  12. Nah, they're only good for guinea pigs.
  13. 'The Orphan and the Demimondaine' by Demimonde.
  14. 'Baptized in Blood' by Helstar. So, this is fun so far. The riffs are definitely strong and the tempo changes now and then are welcome.
  15. It's humid as an orangutan's ass here and my thermostat barely works. I've been reduced to wearing flip-flops.
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