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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Posted a long time ago I realise, but I wasn't here then. If you're looking for good Aussie TV shows... Halifax (crime series with forensic psychiatrist as main character) Good Guys Bad Guys (old 80's cop series with some interesting characters) For something more recent you can't go past the outback, indigenous cop/mystery series Mystery Road (2 series), Mystery Road (movie) and Goldstone (first movie in the series)
  2. And my point was that I don't agree with that, I also don't agree that one who lives without regret lives a safe life with no enjoyment, risk or reward. No doubt for some it could be true, but the entire population can't just be lumped into a group because it suits a person's narrative. For me, I can't possibly know that much about another person's life simply because they told me they live without regret. From my perspective, and others are free to disagree, suggesting someone hasn't lived an enjoyable life, with both risk and rewards after they've told me they have no regrets is akin to suggesting someone is a moron because they grew up with a faith I didn't. Or someone has bad taste because they eat something I don't like. Just because a person chooses one way to live their life doesn't give them the right to suggest anyone who chooses another way are liars or live in denial, but it could well make them naive and inconsiderate.
  3. I don't think I ever gave Nocturnus AD a chance. I might have to remedy that now!
  4. I don't believe that no regrets line. Just because a person makes mistakes in their life doesn't mean they have to regret it. That's not to say less of a person who does have regrets, but to suggest those who don't are wrong is making assumptions based on personal judgement. Where does one stop with regrets? Oh shit I regret driving fast, talking on my phone and hitting the zebra at 140kph because I ended up in hospital for 6 months, lost my licence and killed my car. That seems like a likely regret, but then does one analyse life further and regret every mistake because they've been told to not regret is to live in denial? What about regretting the good things? I took the job that offered me a $500K a year instead of the job offering $50K because money is good, but was the life really want I wanted, did I miss out on a better life by not working 80 hour weeks? Personally I find it easier to live and learn rather than live and regret. But like I say that's not a personal attack on those that chose to live with regrets, it's just a different option that doesn't cast a lesser light on someone for thinking differently to me.
  5. King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - KG
  6. I could happily eat more than 1 Chomp a day but these days I do tend to watch what I eat a lot more than I used to. I'm far from a health nut and do eat sweet things like chocolate but gone are the days where I could just eat whatever I want. All these days of lockdowns are also a reminder that eating chocolate and other sweet things is not good against no exercise
  7. I was listening to them the other day. I remember thinking The Key was amazing when it came out. I don't dislike it these days but I'm not as amazed by it as I used to be,
  8. I was 6 foot 4 when I was 16, I don't think my mum wanted me to get any more natural light
  9. What? You get a window? How lucky are you!! Sepultura - Beneath The Remains
  10. Herding cows into the pens for market would be a different game if they had uzis Holy crap! 10kgs, that's a hell of a lot of heart shaped candies. Imagine the sugar high eating all those in one sitting!! For some reason I've gotten into eating Chomps. It's only one a day (and it's the small ones from the family packets), but I really don't know why, it's not like I ate a lot of them as a kid and it's nostalgic.
  11. You're a legend. I found one similar with a 'never replace filter' that will handle the coffee we've got left over from the machine. It's ordered for less than $40 and I should have it in a week! I sold it to the wife as "even you'll be able to make coffee!", she wasn't impressed but I bought it anyway I've never had an accident with the plunger but just looking at it and I can see the potential and that potential has me less likely to want to use it. That and the fact that it's so small, maybe about 300ml, the thing I just bought is 1000ml. That's a seller by itself because my morning coffee just got bigger!!
  12. I don't know if we can get something like that, but I'm going to try and find out!! We've still got a plunger type but it's only just a 2 person serve and some of the coffee we still have isn't suitable for it. Although I suspect we could try using the plunger, just because the packet says it's only suitable for filter and machine doesn't mean it wont work. Blend 43 is just so much easier. While I do prefer proper coffee it's hard to go past something that you can make in such a quick time. I hate standing at a machine before breakfast, damn, I hate waiting for the kettle to boil when I want my first coffee for the day I'll go one up on the bogan ladder and say I prefer VB if I'm drinking beer, but I rarely drink beer these days. I drink cider more, but even that is in low quantities. I tend to drink whiskey and bourbon these days when I do drink.
  13. I'm on board with that, I only drink black coffee these days. I'm not an aficionado when it comes to coffee and I can't tell where a coffee bean was grown based on the way it does something with the palette, or the way it settles in the gut, or whatever, but I do enjoy coffee. On the occasions that I flavour it I will go for something like Hazelnut or other such add in but it's not often I do that. The main reason I can't be an aficionado though is that my coffee machine broke a few years ago and I really can't bring myself to pay over $500 for a coffee machine. Instant coffee obviously tastes different but it's also much easier than standing at an overpriced machine. My last machine worked well (until it didn't) and only cost me $180, but since then coffee and coffee machines have become the must have thing in the household so the prices have gone up stuipdly.
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