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Posts posted by Apoc

  1. Re: Rate the user above

    9.5/10 because where you live looks nice...you have actual trees. Plus, you made sure that when we were playing a word game and we needed to name black and white objects...I thought of Dimmu Borgir :lol:
    Haha, awesome ! :D
  2. Re: Dimebag Darrell I was like " WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, THIS IS GODLY! WHY HAVENT I HEARD ABOUT THIS BEFORE ?! I GOTTA LISTEN TO MORE PANTERA!" And i was a little 8 year old. listening to pantera for the first time. Oh, 5 minutes alone, thank you for introducing me to the awesomeness of pantera :3

  3. Re: What Are You Listening To? Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is all right with me, Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate! Yo Ho, ahoy and avast, Being a pirate is really badass! Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! You are a pirate! In other words, Alestorm-you are a pirate !

  4. Re: Avenged Sevenfold

    Afterlife is actually one of my guilty pleasures' date=' but to be honest most of their stuff isn't that great.[/quote'] True.. Very true. But overall, Avenged Sevenfold is more, Rockpop, than metal. IMO.. atleast.
  5. Re: How was your day? In five words or less This is actually a really good Forum Game idea ! If the admins agree, i'll move it to forum games :P On topic: Lots of air guitar. (Because i'm at my father's place, without my guitar >:()

  6. Re: Rate the song above you!

    Sheesh, you Norwegians have got a dark sense of humor :shock: . Have you got some really freaky black metal video you want to scare me with now? I hope it's Melechesh or Rudra, I'm not much of a fan of European black metal...oh dear, the conflict's going to brew up again...
    Hm, real creepy death metal video ? Let me think.. -gt7YWwOmRo The meaning here is dark. and the video is basically creepy. Early dimmu borgir. FUCK YEAH
  7. Re: Rate the song above you!

    "ARE YOU FUCKING BASHING RANDY BLYTHE ?!?>:(" -apocalypse922 Call it what you want. It's not my style. Voyager's not yours but I didn't launch into ALL CAPS IRE when you gave them 3/5. If I were bashing Randy Blythe I'd certainly have used more vicious language. If we're allowed to incorporate personal tastes into our ratings then I'm perfectly within my rights to do this. If it's of any importance I think they're one of the better well-publicized bands. I like their riffing. The drumming is nice. And most of the time these vocals are good.I just prefer more of a rasp to the vocals. I was confused; I thought you were saying Miseration was insulting Blythe. Anyhow, what d'you think of them?
    i was joking :3 everyone has their own preferences.. so :P It was pretty good, 3.5/5
  8. Re: Paul Gray

    In terms of quality bass playing' date=' he was good but not the best. However, he was a founding and an equal member of one of the best bands on the planet! If not or the playing, he dserves legend status for this! :)[/quote'] Are you calling Slipknot one of the best bands ever ? ... NO. BAD MAN. NOT GOOD. GO SIT IN THE CORNER.! *edit* Just found this, just for you! 1108845-godzilla_facepalm_godzilla_facepalm_face_palm_epic_fail_demotivational_poster_1245384435_super.jpg
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