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Posts posted by Apoc

  1. Re: Metal Forum Mascot

    Thanks to thee. Thou shalt get thy Viking, heathen. Forsooth, ye beast can grow a beard and wear a helmet. 'Tis yet a template and shalt change appearance, contingent upon ye genre 'tis indented to represent. To MetalMaiden, I say ye simian nature ov ye Bread Beast alloweth myriad alterations. Ye humanoid head is paramount for fitting ye helmet. Ye beast can also carry weapons and other items, and ye task is made easier if ye creature be formed in that fashion. Shadow, I refer ye to mine past comments. We may mechanize ye beast for ye industrial metal fans such as thyself. Also, I put it to thee: how shalt we represent ye folk metal fans with a mechanized mascot?
    I am no heathen, Heathen. Thee shalt not call a Viking Heathen. It is a good idea ye have there. And i think it would work.
  2. Re: Good folk metal bands? Ensiferum is the best folk metal band out there, IMO. I mean, Can you even THINK about anything cooler than a Banjo/Guitar solo ? cO4QqaoFuso Epic solo at 6:00.

  3. Re: Shoutbox & Facebook Connect

    Facebook Connect will allow all forum users to link their profile to this forum. This means you can share you can have a oneclick login' date=' share your avatar between here and facebook and do things like sync your status on facebook to your signature (if you like). We should see an increase in users and user activity from this. Also, people can just come straight from Facebook and start chatting in the ShoutBox which will hopefully ease them into posting! :)[/quote'] Oh! That will really help the number of members ! Nice idea ! :D
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