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Posts posted by Apoc

  1. Re: Metal Pop/Rap/Blues/Folk Covers...

    :| Shrug, and get over it. Did you bother with looking at any of the covers that MetalMaiden provided? Or, for that matter, any of the later covers I posted? Currently, you're discarding the entire thread based on 14% of the material. That's like tossing out a 13-song CD because it has two weak tracks.
    I sadly listened to all of the covers. And it displeased me.
  2. Re: Christian Black Metal Just thought about it. I am NOT referring to anyone special here, But i have seen a bit of Religion bashing in this thread, From the start. I just want to make it clear that this thread is NOT created for the purpouse of Discussing religion. Therefor, keep it out of this thread. Again, i am not saying this to one person, this is more of a pointer for the future of this thread. Or warning, if you like. Bottom line, Keep it on-topic and civil here.

  3. Re: Metal Pop/Rap/Blues/Folk Covers...

    Well, MetalMaiden posted the Katy Perry Power Metal video and it seemed several people started talking about other funny metal covers, so I'm starting a thread on it... I'll start with two pretty amazing mashups of Lady Gaga, first with Behemoth: yfukZyVi9Hk and then...and may Zyggie forgive me... UU63P50ag0c Have fun with this.
    You.... destroyed bleed. THIS THREAD DISPLEASES ME! >:( I will not take part in this thread from now on ! >:( Ruining bleed. /me shrugs
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