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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Re: Neurosis Yes, but with a substantial hardcore (*gasp*) influence. No-one would ever think that Melvins and Candlemass are in the same genre.
  2. Re: IMMORTAL Ulver, Emperor, Burzum, Mayhem, Carpathian Forest and even fucking THORNS are all more epically awesome than Immortal. imosho.
  3. Re: IMMORTAL What about them?
  4. Re: Neurosis Fair enough, it doesn't really matter what particular genre they're in, you either like them or not. I like them, you don't. End of story. I never thought they were doom metal, btw. Maybe sludge. Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, My Dying Bride etc. are doom.
  5. Re: IMMORTAL Never really got into these guys, it never seemed to me that they had much to offer I couldn't get from other bm bands.
  6. Re: Greetings! What about unliving things?
  7. Re: Weird obscure black metal bands nobody's heard of Black Funeral is not well known. You might be thinking of Dark Funeral. You're right about Alcest though, I just thought this would be a cool thread and then realized I couldn't think of many obscure bands! How about Gates of Ishtar? Excretion (they're actually more melodeath, but whatever)? And they're not black metal at all, but has anybody heard of Contrastic?
  8. Re: Deftones Never got into Sevendust, and I've never even heard of Coal Chamber. Actually, Deftones' new stuff isn't even really nu-metal.
  9. Re: Greetings! One of the comments: "This is the single greatest not naked thing on? the internet".
  10. Re: Neurosis I believe the term most people use to describe Neurosis nowadays is "Post-metal".
  11. Re: Greetings! I am incredibly remiss in not including Danzig in my favorite bands. Sorry dude!
  12. Re: Neurosis HGQImg2u5PQ Dislike this band all you wish, but this is not hardcore.
  13. Only nu-metal band worth listening to. How do you guys feel?
  14. Re: Cradle of Filth I don't know what the fuck Prometheus is. All I know is that the "wooooooop, wooooooop" strings on Depraved are really freaking annoying.
  15. Re: most metal video games! The original NES Legend of Zelda. Pure f**ckin' metahl.
  16. Re: Who are your current top 5 bands? Oh, I forgot to include Maiden & Type O in my introduction topic. Oh well. 1. Opeth 2. Mastodon 3. Cradle of Filth 4. Emperor 5. Pink Floyd
  17. Re: Opeth Fair enough. Some people just don't get it.
  18. Re: Mastodon Is anybody actually metalcore?
  19. Alcest: iIMEGc8UWFk Black Funeral: mXEmozEvCno Your turn.
  20. Re: Cradle of Filth Agreed about IX Equilibrium (Although the first track, Curse You All Men, sounds really awesome when they've played it live). Prometheus is the one I've never been able to get into at all. Ihsahn's newest solo record is quite good, anyone heard it? Oh, and I've never heard any of Sara's stuff. I'm not a big enough fan of her voice to care, to be perfectly honest.
  21. Re: Mastodon Okay, Avenged Sevenfold isn't metalcore. How about Atreyu, then? Crack the Skye has a lot of Mars Volta influences, actually.
  22. Re: Opeth kC_-JsKlIOk No way can you find this boring.
  23. Re: Bloodbath Oh totally. There's no comparison between The Fathomless Mastery and, say, Left Hand Path, or Where no Life Dwells. I guess the appeal for me was the fact that Akerfeldt's in the band, but now he's lost his growl.
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