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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Re: Lamb of God Hey, for once I agree with murph1990 on something. I hate this band!
  2. Re: Funeral Doom I love Skepticism, but they're the only band from this genre I ever got into. Actually, Ahab is funeral doom, aren't they? I like them. So two bands.
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To? @ NTNR: That's a great album. Currently listening to Baroness - the Blue Record.
  4. Re: Amorphis Tuonela is alright, but Am Universum never appealed to me. Eclipse may not be as good as Amorphis' most recent three, but this song is great: 7-ybTmapgVc
  5. Re: Rate the song above you! 6/10 - good, but there are better Maiden songs. 4mHUYebc3jo Anata - Faith, Hope, Self-Deception
  6. Re: Amorphis 2/10 for Tales? Seriously!? I fuckin' love that album. And I think Eclipse is WAY better Tuonela or Am Universum.
  7. Re: Mastodon CSCBArT3TT4 How can you say this sucks?
  8. Re: Cradle of Filth ECDoQc0_J58 One of my favorite tracks from Ihsahn.
  9. Re: Neurosis I aim to please.
  10. Re: Amorphis Yeah, it's a toss-up between The Karelian Isthmus and Tales for me. Depends on what mood I'm in. Never got into Elegy, though.
  11. Re: Bloodbath Those two, and Like an Ever Flowing Stream, are probably the prime cuts from the early Stockholm scene, but of course most people know Swedish death metal through Dark Tranquility, At the Gates and In Flames (the first two of which I love).
  12. Re: Weird obscure black metal bands nobody's heard of @ Blut Aus Nerd: I've heard of Mortuary Drape, actually. Pretty good band. You should try out Alcest, they're actually quite good. @ Return to Carthage: Fair enough, where I live Black Funeral would be considered obscure. Of course Michael W. Ford has probably drummed up a good bit of publicity for the band from his writings.
  13. Re: IMMORTAL Yeah, Carpathian Forest was a low blow. That first EP (Through Chasm, Caves and Titan Woods) was pretty sweet though.
  14. Re: Mastodon Could someone please tell me an actual metalcore band, then?
  15. Re: most metal video games! Mmm, you're probably right. This game is pretty brutal: http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/zot.png Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. You can actually get it for free (legally) here: http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/
  16. The Karelian Isthmus and Tales from the Thousand Lakes are melodic doom/death musts. Agreed?
  17. Re: Your Lyrics The comfort of salvation May be your path I choose the howling wind And the company of shadows.
  18. Re: Favourite metal quote Stupid douchebag journalist: Does being a Satanist get you discounts on any goods or services? Glenn Danzig: I just told you I wasn't a Satanist.
  19. Re: Neurosis I know, even if you're not into crust (and I'm not) these guys are priceless. In case you didn't see, the title of the song I posted is "Beat the Boss". "I'm sick of work, I've had enough. -I won't do what you say-"
  20. Re: Hello from Texas..introducing my band Prophecy Awesome cover. Welcome. They's nice folks here.
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To? Anata - Dreams of Death and Dismay.
  22. Re: Neurosis Holy shit that's a whole lot of fucking doom! Funnily enough, the band Doom could never be mistaken as such: ouxKdteXMnU Crusty.
  23. Re: IMMORTAL Indeed. I forgot to include Gorgoroth.
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