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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned for not liking Mastodon.
  2. Re: Nine Inch Nails The only band in their genre that I really enjoy (but then I'm into experimental music, and I think I approach NIN from that perspective as opposed to a metal perspective).
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To? Amorphis - Tales from the Thousand Lakes
  4. Re: How was your day? I had an excellent day. Gave a few lessons (did I mention I'm a guitar teacher? I'm a guitar teacher ), made some money, played a bunch of guitar and in fifteen minutes I'm gonna go hang out at the local coffee house. Which is the most un-snobbish coffee house I've ever been to.
  5. Re: Kerrang! vs. Metal Hammer Decibel. Oh, I have to choose one of those two? Metal Hammer.
  6. Re: best metal guitarist (your opinion) It's never been about technicality for me. Ihsahn's the best for me, 'cause he's the full package. He can shred, he has a very original approach and he writes all of his own music.
  7. Re: Albums you feel are overrated Meshuggah - Destory Erase Improve, Chaosphere Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales (obviously an incredibly important album historically speaking, but musically, I don't think it's really all that) Van Halen - Van Halen
  8. Re: Rate the song above you! I apologize. I'm keeping the avatar. 9/10 Killer track.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To? Excretion - Voice of Harmony
  10. Re: Albums you feel are overrated Every Kyuss album Eyehategod - Take as Needed for Pain
  11. Re: Your Lyrics That's quite interesting.
  12. Re: Amorphis That's the problem with being high, it makes you feel omniscient.
  13. Re: Bloodbath An Evil Shade of Grey is IMPOSSIBLE to get a hold of. And Amazon.com says it's by Edge of Sanity
  14. Re: Your Lyrics Holy shit, that totally sucks.
  15. Re: Amorphis Prime example. That made no fucking sense.
  16. Re: Death I've always found the idea of death very attractive and inspiring, although I certainly don't have a death wish. I'm an agnostic, and while I certainly have no belief in the Christian afterlife, who knows? We really can't say what lies beyond. I do know that I intend to have as an enjoyable life as possible in case there does turn out to be nothing. I refuse to spend my life waiting.
  17. Sorry, wasn't sure where to put this. For me: At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul. Blut Aus Nerd and I were discussing this in a different thread. The Red in the Sky is Ours is fantastic, but I have never understood the mass appeal of this album. Bathory - Hammerheart. I love the first four Bathory albums, and I understand that this one was massively influential, but I've never liked it.
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To? Bathory - Bathory.
  19. Re: Neurosis They're pretty sweet, like I said even if you're not into crust (and I'm not, but I love these guys).
  20. Re: Funeral Doom Okay. There's just so much music I gotta buy, my Amazon wishlist is unbelievable.
  21. Re: Bloodbath I agree about ATG going downhill quickly. And I don't have any time for Dark Tranquility after the Gallery.
  22. Re: Cradle of Filth Yeah, and I usually hate sax in metal, but Ihsahn pulls it off really well. A Grave Inversed is a total mindfuck, and On the Shores just sounds so totally despairing.
  23. Re: Mastodon I actually like Converge, but that's the only band out of that list.
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