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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'A Tap Dancer's Dilemma' by Diablo Swing Orchestra.
  2. 'Balrog Boogie' by Diablo Swing Orchestra. Baroompa-tch baroompa-tch baroompa-tch baroompa-tch-bermm Berumm chm bmpa-tch baroompa-tch bermm
  3. So Midi is Belgian, does martial arts and commented on the trigger discipline of that one model...I am starting to think Jean-Claude Van Damme is on this forum.
  4. Waugh. Finally finished with exams and now just one paper to do, with plenty of time to do it.
  5. Are those rare in Britain? We're lousy with them in New Mexico. Not that I don't like them' date=' especially the 5.0L models. Actually they do, by definition. My metallic yellow B.Engineering Adonis...although I saw a Vector WX3 Hot Wheels car on display at the Petersen, which honestly blew my mind.
  6. "How Long" by The Benjamin Gate. South African Christian rock with interesting female vocals that are deceptively accessible.
  7. Another A- paper and two classes finished. Two more exams and my schedule will slow down.
  8. Seeing it from space is sufficient... I think it could be fun going to England, I'd like to see Winchester Castle and the Bovington Tank Museum. Paris and Carcassonne seem quite interesting as well, as does Cracow. And of course there's always Cape Town and the lovely seaside town of Hermanus. Now if I ever get married it'd be great to go to the Seychelles...
  9. 'First Contact' by Alchemist.
  10. The curve for my Economics class is a lot better than I was expecting, so that's really nice.
  11. You have the makings of something interesting in this music but the poor sound production is very distracting. In particular the fact that the leads get buried under the general crunch of the rhythm guitar makes it difficult for me to enjoy them. Not to nitpick but it might be better to call yourselves black metal or progressive black metal. Blackened progressive metal gave a mental image that differed substantially from the music itself. Otherwise, do keep at it. The moody leads are particularly nice.
  12. Welcome to the forum. I remember liking Mezarkabul at one point.
  13. Yeah! Britain does actually have meaningful political phenomena... also, it is possible for people in New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries and Canada to be unhappy, apparently! I would have thought that the tax-funded free sex and weed would have mollified them, but I guess not! Furthermore, their armies, who I was astonished to find are NOT all headed up by postmodernist Roma lesbians, don't wear rainbow camouflage, drive hovercrafts powered by chakra OR even carry free money and condoms from the government!
  14. Well remember that according to American college students Britain is a socialist paradise where everybody drinks tea and talks like Steven Fry. I did forget that Atrocity studied in Italy.
  15. Well, you also live in a country that rewards hard work...
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