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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Free will and limited epistemological capacity.
  2. The Seychelles look lovely. Guam, Mayotte and Mauritius could certainly be nice as well.
  3. Well, I was saying that his characterization of religion was a normative statement, but I think I constructed the sentence poorly. You're entirely correct, that latter part is not a normative statement. It is, however, a shallow, misguided and inaccurate analysis.
  4. Possibly because as far as musical merit goes they're indistinguishable.
  5. Finished 'Leviathan Rising' by Redemption, on to 'Worlds Are Coming Through' by Brainstorm.
  6. Except anything car-related, then they tend to ape the greats. Otherwise, you'll not meet much of an argument from me with regards to Australian importance; if this US policy 'pivot to Asia' means anything you lot might be seeing more of our diplomatic staff around your neck of the woods. Granted, they might pop by South Korea and Taiwan first, but Australia will definitely be on the list.
  7. Somehow, not surprising at all.
  8. I know he wasn't lacking conviction, what I thought he was lacking was brains... Anyhow, thanks for telling me, I might check it out. Ah good, I've just gotten into Leprous.
  9. Early Primal Fear, Mystic Prophecy's 'Killhammer' album, the 'Epicloud' album by Devin Townsend Project, almost anything by Russkaja or Diablo Swing Orchestra.
  10. What is that like? I've always been leery of it, the guy didn't strike me as too bright. Reminded me of my youth pastor.
  11. The new Corvette is nice, but I'm kind of allergic to those cars since everyone has one. I'd prefer a new Viper, actually, they finally made that car look great.
  12. 'Help Me Like No One Can' by Manticora.
  13. 'Inertial Grind' by Alarum. Good to hear! Underworld was a great album.
  14. 'The Grand Accusation' by Dark Tranquillity.
  15. Hee hee. That album was a pretty substantial departure from their previous work...I still liked a few songs, including that one.
  16. You've got to be kidding. I hate his guts... Jellal irritates me no end because Erza so often just mentally disintegrates into a dithering tween crybaby when he's around. As it stands now, he seems OK, but I just know that the show's going to do something awful and stupid with him that will totally ruin his character and others. Even then, he's tiresomely one-note, brooding and whining all the time. He's never happy, but there's no gravitas to his misery either so he just comes off like an insincere idiot who's pulling an act to get laid. Still, for what it's worth, he has gotten better as a character and the author (so far) seems to have taken the high road with regards to his relationship with Erza. You might have guessed from this that my favorite character is Erza. She reminds me a lot of Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and the fact that she's voiced by the same woman certainly helps, I love that voice. I like that she's mature but has this sort of caricatured warrior's attitude and fashion sense that make for a fairly funny yet likeable character. She's not stuck-up but she's definitely powerful and calculating in a fight. Erza often seems like an adult to the other three, but she has her own shortcomings which make her dependent on her teammates and the guild. She seems like a reasonably complex character with a cool ability and a nice personality. That, and she might just be the most attractive character I've seen in anything ever...
  17. I agree, although one of my pet peeves is how Lucy keeps getting the everloving snot kicked out of her in every fight. It wouldn't bug me so much except that she doesn't really do anything for the team anymore. She used to be the straight man who was savvy, intelligent, prudent, frugal and possessed of a gift for literature, but all that has kinda fallen by the wayside.
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