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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Well, if this is a discussion on punk and hardcore...I've hated hardcore and punk for as long as I can remember, but that's more to do with personal taste than necessarily technical ability. -Core music generally doesn't do it for me, the vocals immediately put me off and usually the rest of the music is immediately anathema. That's what ultimately ruins most of Freak Kitchen's material to my ears even though it's well-done stuff with some of the best and funniest lyrics I've ever read.
  2. Yeah, I'm listening to their earlier material and liking it a fair bit. Still very moody so again, likely to appeal to you.
  3. Latest Fairy Tail was great, got a well-animated three-way fight involving two of my favorite characters, and more build-up for what I hope will be an honestly epic resolution to this arc.
  4. I certainly will, that's where my Dad's from! I've been looking for good South African metal for a while, but all I came up with was the decent Mind Assault and there's not a whole lot of their material I could find. I'll tell you, I'm usually leery of djent but this sounds good so far inasmuch as it doesn't sound totally soulless like most other bands in the genre.
  5. RtC est sans abilite a discuter de choses d'importance, avec rien sauf beaucoup de merde entre ses oreilles. Just thought I'd tie up the thread.
  6. Oh, go back to your volcanic vent and have another deep draft of sulfur, you blubbering butt-hurt primeval tube worm.
  7. ^ Exactly what I thought.
  8. Well, welcome back and happy birthday.
  9. 'Iodic Rain' by Vanden Plas.
  10. 'Asperger's Syndrome' by Korum.
  11. Muh, Freak Kitchen turned out to be a little on the punk side and not really to my liking. Kind of a pity, their good songs are fun.
  12. Well, it's got 'African black pepper' in it, whatever that is, and garlic - I'm assuming it's a kind of tangy, savory sauce. By the way, elk is superb.
  13. Peri-peri sauce is made for chicken, so it would actually suit springbok or impala well.
  14. Got a snack package from my dad that contained a variety of Indian soda that I didn't know was commercially available outside Rasoi restaurants, and some peri-peri sauce. Maybe now I will actually have to fry some meat just to try this stuff.
  15. 'Get A Life' by Freak Kitchen. Just exploring this band now and they're very enjoyable, the blues and funk influences are great. Mathias Eklundh is a great guitarist a funny guy as well, it seems. The lyrics remind me a lot of SYL, but they're more varied, even stranger and (I think) better. I look forward to the rest of my foray into this band's work.
  16. 'Keep Breathing' by Redemption.
  17. Je sais que c'est un fait que votre francais est superieur a mien, je ne suis pas un locuteur natif comme Monsieur Tintin ici ^
  18. 'Away' by Korum. Turns out Klone isn't really my thing for the most part. They had a couple of songs I liked, 'Rocket Smoke' being my favorite, but they just had far too many slower songs. However, they did remind me a lot of a somewhat more progressive version of Deftones, so anybody who likes them ought to check out Klone.
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