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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. You always get horns up for post-'Darkness' Manticora.
  2. I'm very surprised you like Kivimetsan Druidi, I used to like them a fair bit.
  3. First the camo shorts and now this. You lot gunna complain about glasses next?
  4. 'The Grave, My Soul' by Paramaecium.
  5. 'Song Of The Ancient' by Paramaecium. Very much enjoying this, the slight folky touches are really helping.
  6. 'Haemorrhage of Hatred' by Paramaecium.
  7. (to the tune of Celebration by Kool And the Gang) Maaaa-stur-ba-tion time, come on!
  8. That sounds like a very good answer inasmuch as such behavior would resemble the construction of vehicles by humans.
  9. I've listened to a bit from Echoes of the Dead or whatever the last album was called but not much from Within The Ancient Forest, which seems to be their other beloved album.
  10. Been listening to Paramaecium, I'm glad I remembered this out of the blue from BAN's recommendations list. It's somber and melancholy and Christian. Also so heavy that I think my entire skull softened after listening for twenty minutes, and my brain is still humming.
  11. I already know that bacteria evolve, that wasn't my question. My question was why they 'led' to more complex organisms when life at the bacterial level seems pretty resilient and successful already. For example, sharks are more or less the same as they were millions of years ago last I heard. It seems that these organisms are successful by essentially any measure, so why would they evolve into more complex organisms? Is it as simple as the idea that a given mutation was 'partially successful' and that nature has made it rare rather than extinct? It simply strikes me as odd since I thought efficiency was the name of the game in natural selection.
  12. Do all forms of life experience emotion? I know some 'developed' species ostensibly experience a limited range of emotion, but what about organisms like bacteria? Also, just a broader question; it seems like smaller organisms like insects and bacteria are the most 'successful' life on earth. Why would they 'move on' from that stage to form more complex organisms?
  13. No, not really. It's harder to write good stuff about happiness, which is why it's so awesome when bands can do it well.
  14. That's really not that bad.
  15. So I think Farmakon and Blood Revolt were the two biggest favorites of mine from that list.
  16. 'Free Up Your Mind' by Emma Benton. I want to hear Threshold do a cover of this song, their style would actually be well-suited to it given their emphasis on backing vocals and melody. That despite the fact that it is perhaps the most embarrassing thing I've ever admitted to listening to of my own volition and enjoying.
  17. How crappy? I wrote one about which I felt somewhat 'iffy' but FA said it was similar to Katatonia material, so it might be better than you think.
  18. Iceni


    Don't remind me. I'm not sure I have enough brown paper bags.
  19. Iceni


    Oh, for heaven's sake...
  20. Iceni


    Bowf ar rong. Ut are response to eetsj comment. Oll toegedda nou: Aai lorf yieuw, yieuw lorf mij, veera heppi femeulij...
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