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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I've never been big on Fates Warning, they just aren't my style.
  2. Iceni


    This isn't a bad question at all. I hate sudden loud grating noises even though I'm fine listening to Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord. I need to plan to hear the noise otherwise it just annoys me.
  3. Well, long story short we were supposed to transport their luggage and it took a long time. They wanted to know where it was and we had no idea, so they got mad, justifiably so.
  4. Tired as hell after move-in. Parents were nice enough not to stab me with a knife made out of their disposable income when things didn't go as they wanted.
  5. Maybe go to a gig by a good power metal band like Serenity, Sinbreed, Persuader, Iron Savior, DGM, Archetype or Galloglass..?
  6. Non, je ne l'ai pas considéré. Selon certaines persones comme Jacques Derrida c'est possible que les langues font un difference impermeable entre des gens, mais est-ce que c'est applicable a la physique? Peut-etre...
  7. Well, I have information on your thought process, which means I did in fact lose you. But I should soon be able to figure out where you are once I don't know anything about your current state and speed.
  8. 143 horsepower is pathetic unless you're Caterham or a motorbike. Or a horse.
  9. I always kinda liked the Maserati Shamal.
  10. My mom didn't even ask me to go to mass, and neither of my parents argued about anything for the whole week. I got acclimated to using a tablet for sketching and just generally had a great time.
  11. I was busy having fun with my family, I took off work for a week. As for this, it's all right but doesn't catch my ear.
  12. Jambo. If you like a good groove but with excellent technical expertise as well I'd recommend Nevermore. Conception is also pretty fun. For what it's worth there's also this band called Absence of Light that are fairly good and are from Nairobi.
  13. Edenbridge actually remind me a bit of Threshold at times. I haven't heard their latest album but Solitaire was pretty solid although the expressions that woman pulls in the 'Higher' video are hysterical. Then again that video is a fantastically stupid adventure on the whole. I think I may have preferred Waves of Visual Decay to the first Communic album, but I do think they went downhill after that.
  14. Do you refer to the concept of sacrifice in general?
  15. I have to a question though, what's up with the hood? I could take a stab as to why it's there but what I want to ask is whether I should assume there's a head underneath it. The way the cloth is bent and the hood is shaped makes it look like there's something weirder under it.
  16. Rare to see an Edenbridge fan. I want to like Communic but they're far too fond of acoustic passages; I still like a couple of their songs though. That's a nice variety, Wuthering Heights' Far From The Madding Crowd kicks ass.
  17. 'Learn' by Deliverance. One of the first riffs I learned as it uses all the notes from Smoke On The Water.
  18. Very cool, very British. I'm looking forward to the new version of the Venom GT that apparently is intended to hit 290mph, and curious to see whether this Trion SuperCars will actually make their 2000HP Nemesis concept. For that matter SSC's Tuatara would be cool to see as well, as would Bulleta Motors' RF22 and the already impressive Lucra Motors making the L148.
  19. No, although Lord knows they'd make less of a bloody racket that way.
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