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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. That might be the most aggressively New England thing I've ever read.
  2. Alter Beast isn't bad from what I remember; I've discovered one hell of a lot of relatively new and unknown technical DM groups that really kick ass: Gigan, Oblivion, First Fragment, Omnihility, Inanimate Existence, and Excruciating Thoughts are all great. Fallujah's new album was great as well.
  3. Listening through Voyager's first album, it's kinda boring in places. I like these guys but I can't say I consider them A-grade prog most of the time even if they are somewhat more 'enjoyable' than other, better prog groups.
  4. 'Higher Existence' by Voyager.
  5. Aye, a scurvy dog, so yo ho ho and a bottle of Cherry Limeade.
  6. 'White Noise/Black Silence' by Dark Tranquillity.
  7. I haven't seen much better than Toy Story 3, but the Despicable Me films were both great. Finding Nemo was good and I sure loved Cars when I first saw it.
  8. Unless you're the mayor, in which case it is illegal but if you say sorry you will get your own TV show as a severance. My breakdown would be 60% boring/affable 20% assholes 10% whipped 5% genuinely interesting 5% other
  9. 'Sanctuary - Light and Grief' by Persefone.
  10. This is just amazing. BvbgFqW4zTw
  11. I did quite like it but I prefer 'Solarburn' and 'Where Light And Dark Don't Differ'. Then again I've only heard two albums from them.
  12. 'Years of Silent Sorrow' by Immortal.
  13. 'Tragedy Blows At Horizon' by Immortal. Is that the new one? I didn't care for it all that much but 'The Bride' was fun.
  14. I've 10 minutes to the lackadaisical toxic torrent politely referred to with the term 'the Potomac'.
  15. 'Inner Fullness' by Persefone.
  16. I've met people who seem to think that 35 is old, it's very disheartening.
  17. 'Cause they're big. And close to the sky. Also they look cooler than hills or really big trees.
  18. Finished 'Black Sea of Agony' by Into Eternity; just got my shirt from them and it smells strongly of corn tortillas and vinegar. Now on 'Mind As Universe' by Persefone.
  19. Welcome back to Mere. I am very glad to be done with midterms, they were not fun.
  20. Essentially an anime fan...usually the term refers to someone with an extensive knowledge of anime and/or a fondness for Japanese culture in a fairly superficial form.
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