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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I think we might have a winner.
  2. 'Carrion Eaters' by Manticora.
  3. I've yet to really enjoy Mehida or Jacob's Dream the way I used to.
  4. And of course a ping-pong paddle.
  5. Now see, my mom would probably have taken me to a mental hospital if I'd said that. As it is I have to try to keep it a secret that I love Pitbulls In The Nursery...
  6. 'Vergissmeinnicht' by Eisbrecher.
  7. 'Holes In The Sky' by Vanden Plas.
  8. That might just be the funniest answer you personally could have given. I can even imagine the lyrics: Oh woe is me Wish my dong was free Such a frightening weight For me to masturbate
  9. The 1st Chapter In My Pants. Appropriately prog...
  10. That's one of the oddest cross-cultural photos I've seen. I keep expecting you all to tuck into waffles shaped like shirukens.
  11. Well done. Probably my favorite off Heavenly Ecstasy, I love the keyboard.
  12. Yuo is ov missings the point, xaxaxa.
  13. By the way, I tried Lordian Guard but I don't think they're my thing. The guitar sound is a little too soft and muffled and retro for my liking. The woman's voice was fairly good though.
  14. By the way, I remember you being worried about your height. But you know who else is 5'7"? Vladimir Putin.
  15. You know not to whom you speak.
  16. Just spent several hours arguing with the densest pair of atheists I've ever met in my sodding life. My attempts at logical debate and respectful discussion just bounced off of their Australopithecan skulls with a violence that absolutely astounded me. I've met Evangelicals more open to reason.
  17. Sea of Desolate Eyes covered a number of songs from that album, although I thought that it could have been a new direction, since Everythingsucks got a little stale after 'Gray Mourned Emptiness'. Still, I've always preferred Forthwept for that particular style.
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