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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Why the hell do otakus have such completely shite musical tastes? There are entirely too many Soul Eater AMVs featuring Skillet and no Fairy Tail AMVs featuring Equilibrium despite the fact that the show very clearly demands it.
  2. Cool to see Scarve and Halcyon Way get some attention! I can't say I like that Bolt Thrower album all that much though, it seemed a bit weak last time I heard it.
  3. Wait, so you've met my mom then?
  4. Sounds like the name of a drive-thru sexual reassignment clinic.
  5. Well, remember she doesn't like Madder Mortem's vocals either.
  6. 'Mr. Slowdeath' by Butcher Babies. Incidentally, these guys only suck slightly less than I expected.
  7. If I'm honest I imagine that they would say exactly the same thing in public. They wouldn't have a choice, they'd get buried under a mountain of accusations of sexism if they said anything otherwise. What I find odd about this is that I don't think any male metallers ever complained about being compared in the sense that they thought they were being 'turned against each other' like they were all fighting something. Their complaints would probably be something to the effect of: 'Why on earth are you comparing Dan Swano to Jonas Renske and Les Claypool? That's not just comparing apples and oranges, that's like comparing apples to doorknobs to the moon. It's a pointless comparison, and I'm guessing the only reason they're doing it is for people who don't know shit about metal.' Incidentally, I imagine most female metal musicians have a similar opinion. I also do not like the way they frame their malcontent; as if the industry is somehow attempting to use divide-and-rule strategy on women in general. I am reminded of Julius Nyerere's writing on the benefits of the one-party state and the inherent 'injustice' in a multi-party system with legislative debate when I hear things like this. The use of solidarity language bothers me in general and particularly in this context. EDIT: True story, I'm listening to them just now and they're not awful in my opinion -just banally simple- except for the disgustingly bad vocals. The two women do the vocals. The guys do all of the instruments.
  8. 'Allure' by Fallujah. Lush, complex and driving. Very nice.
  9. I wonder what Wout would think. I also wonder what the male band members thought.
  10. Really? I guess I'll try it again but I just remember it being pretty soulless.
  11. The reason I asked is because Decrepit Birth and Spawn of Possession are probably the two tech-death bands that get the most castigation from me outside of guys like Brain Drill and Viraemia who just aren't even trying.
  12. I thought you enjoyed Fallujah.
  13. 'Starlit Path' by Fallujah. Sounds like great stuff as usual.
  14. From a chronological standpoint, 22. From a culinary standpoint, 9.
  15. Lala lala, lala lala, Escort's Woooorld...
  16. Yes, but if I have to die in order to enjoy Sunn O))) I'd be somewhat more comfortable shelling out $20 for something sneezed on by a member of Unexpect.
  17. I think that to not be bored by Sunn 0))) would be to transcend the bounds of human existence.
  18. I knew mentioning a specific booze was gunna bite me in the ass. But then, I couldn't mention a beverage about which I know a decent amount...it's not as if she could tug him over to the couch and offer to crack open a can of Fanta Grape for them both.
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