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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Oh bollocks. Bottled water is overpriced and not much better unless you live in a place like Washington DC or Eritrea with crappy tap water. But in NM the water is great. Same in Oklahoma, but the best water I remember having was in Arkansas, it was downright sweet. Wonderful stuff.
  2. I want to state for the record that I have never been part of the Jelly of the Month Club, nor have I knowingly formed any ties, formal or personal, with any individual known to belong to, be involved in the activities of, or associate with, the aforementioned organization.
  3. Well, I'm not anemic anymore.
  4. 'The Flesh Prevails' by Fallujah was good, and maybe I'll like this new Ne Obliviscaris too. I'm not sure there was anything else released this year I remember liking.
  5. I used to be a big 70's-80's rock fan; I remember enjoying Deep Purple, Def Leppard and ZZ Top when I was in middle school, but I wasn't very strongly into music until my parents bought me an Mp3 player for Christmas. I had wanted a ZZ Top album but they didn't like the lyrics all that much - and so instead they got me the Mp3 player and an emusic card. Now emusic had basically none of what I wanted because it was a fairly small site that apparently the big-name acts didn't patronize. I remembered hearing 'Enter Sandman' and thinking it was the coolest thing I'd heard at that point, so I found myself a cover of that and a couple of Triumph songs. So still about $55 to spend on the card; I looked at music lists where Triumph featured and discovered Star One, which I remember enjoying. However, when perusing the lists I came across Battlelore's 'Sons of Riddermark', which became my new favorite song for a while. Apparently Battlelore was power metal, so I looked for more of that and came across HammerFall; when I pursued the prog line I found Threshold, and my love for metal sprang from there! My mom has been kicking herself ever since.
  6. Me too. I was a weird, unpleasant and anemic little bastard in public school and the teachers didn't really do much to solve that other than to insist on the merits of football as only Texans can.
  7. I knew one girl from one family who was so androgynous I genuinely didn't know her sex for half a year. She had kind of a stocky build and short hair and always wore gender-neutral clothes, but she didn't exactly look manly either. I think it was the rosy cheeks what did it. Oh sod off.
  8. Well, it does get annoying after the 50,000th terrorist attack on Los Angeles. At least Deja Vu and Sum Of All Fears had stuff happen in New Orleans and Denver, respectively. Hell, even Transformers 3 had Chicago being attacked. I guess it's an easy way out since these are iconic places, but there are other populous cities in America, like Philadelphia, Houston and Indianapolis. Apparently Phoenix is the sixth most populous city in the US, but Lord knows nobody's going to make a movie where anything there gets blewed up.
  9. I had this mullet with a Moe from Three Stooges kinda fringe on it in several photos from when I was in middle school. I don't know why I didn't complain.
  10. New Ne Obliviscaris? Oh, I do need to check that out.
  11. Better than a B, which is what I was expecting.
  12. I'll see what I can do, although my recommendations are kinda hit or miss, people love some of them and really couldn't be arsed with others. I'd say try out Anubis Gate, most of their stuff is good but Andromeda Unchained is the best from what I've heard. You might like the album 'Underworld' by Adagio as well.
  13. Steven Jay Gould chuckles in approval.
  14. 'Beauty Will Fade' by Manticora. It's kind of a mixed bag, this song. There are bits that really bore me and feel kinda limp-wristed, but of course it's mostly good.
  15. A- on the latest paper and thank goodness. I was getting worried.
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