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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Really? Their album Portal of I was great although I can't deny it dragged at times. I don't mind band shirts in a color other than black, it's just that white shirts are bad for me because of armpits, and other color shirts usually don't look all that great.
  2. Well, the vocals aren't bugging me so far...the violin is wonderfully classy as usual. I wish these guys sold more shirts that actually looked good.
  3. 'Hide and Seek' by Seventh Wonder.
  4. Finished 'Mutant Christ' by Cryptopsy, again. Reminds me of old Amorphis but with more death metal, which is good. Now on to 'Black Veils of Justice' by Oblivion. Some great tech-death.
  5. Ahhh...we're all so very very white.
  6. Feel the fear grow Snorted much blow It's time to go Black tomato
  7. 'Join Us Beyond' by Archspire. I'm trying to figure out what I think of this new album. It's certainly better than their old stuff, they seem to have taken some cues from Gorod and Fallujah in the awesomeness department but there are still some weaknesses. Most prominent of these is the presence of those weird trilling arpeggios that sound like someone did pitch bend on a telephone.
  8. But I'm sure they would if pressed.
  9. 'Contemplating the Ineffable' by Omnihility. Lags a little but heavy and ultimately rewarding, like a lot of Unique Leader stuff.
  10. 'Wartorn' by Beneath. WOOOOAAAARRGGHHHH
  11. My current phone isn't Nokia, it's a Virgin Mobile. Rather like the person carrying it.
  12. The vast majority of the world's population is religious. Stands to reason. I might ask why so many parents of the folks on here seem to be dysfunctional lunatics.
  13. What is the deal with Ghost In The Shell? It seemed really interesting but I didn't want to watch it because it had a group called 'The American Empire', and that was just a little too stupid if not downright racist. Otherwise it seemed interesting but it'd be a real sticking point if they kept taking time to bitch about "American imperialism" in this dystopian future context when it's a stupid enough idea in the present.
  14. Dave's back! My friend really seems to like One Piece and my brother's enjoying Psycho-Pass. I've still got Attack on Titan lined up for sometime, and then maybe something a little lighter. Or heavier. Or just something with good fight scenes.
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