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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. At birth, excepting those with one-in-a-million disorders. FFS...
  2. Well, every guy's got a dick, but something tells me a shirt featuring one wouldn't go over well.
  3. 'Tesarul de Lumini' by Negura Bunget. I'm going through the Om album because I have time, and I've been alternating between this and the Exivious self-titled.
  4. Darn, I want a shirt but I know my mom wouldn't let me because skeletons.
  5. You know, he doesn't look anything like what I expected, but I don't know what I expected.
  6. Some funk slap bass stuff by Remco Hendrix, I'd be happy to know if I could download this anywhere.
  7. 'Shut Your Lips' by Jacuzzi Sunset.
  8. 'The Blood of the New Covenant' by Blood Covenant.
  9. 'Shut Your Lips' by Jacuzzi Sunset, a somewhat repetitive but ultimately cool song due to the awesome slap bass and enjoyable groove.
  10. 'Circles' by Enchant from their latest, 'The Great Divide'. It's funny to me that Joseph Magazine did stuff that sounded a lot like this 3 years before...and Animations 7 years before. So in this regard Poland leads the US. Here's hoping Division By Zero turn out hugely influential. EDIT: Got way too acoustic and airy-fairy and boring as hell so listened to a bit of Exivious.
  11. 'Risk Factor' by No-Metric. Looking for stuff with funk slap bass and came across this. I'm enjoying it so far.
  12. 'Final Day' by Memories Lab. Odd and I'm not sure I like it, but it's reasonably enjoyable so far.
  13. 'Entertain Me' by Tigran Hamasyan. I do like this, reminding me of Jordan Rudess' solo work in parts. It seems a little muffled for some reason. FA, if you liked this, try 2nd Hands by The Gourishankar for something a bit more rock-oriented and with vocals.
  14. '...For Victory' by Bolt Thrower from the album of the same name. Good music for drawing mech suits.
  15. Same here...I've done very little over the past two or three days, but at least I've got a first draft of an op-ed for one class and finished a quiz for another. I should be finishing up some job applications and a paper before the week is out.
  16. Sounds like I'll have to take a look.
  17. Ha!..this can mean two things. Still feeling conked out for one reason or another, at least got some schoolwork and drawing done but I'd really like to do more.
  18. My morning was OK but forgot Daylight Savings so I ended up being 45 minutes late to church...at least I did get to say hello to the folks I knew.
  19. 'Among the Giants' by Vallendusk. The album was OK, but this track really stuck out to me and I still enjoy it. Lovely melody.
  20. Huge-ass snowstorm in DC means no school and beautiful frosting on the trees. I don't have homework for Friday so probably a decent amount of drawing will be done assuming I work up the creativity.
  21. 'Far From the Fame' by Sabaton.
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