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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I like the direction they're taking. I want to see basses made like claymores, measured from foot to nose. Hell, I'd like to see a bass with a nine-foot neck and three sets of machine heads, because why not.
  2. It finally hit me on April 2 that I should probably make sure I have either a job and/or paid education by year's end. To wit, pretty much all day Friday and Saturday, some of Sunday and the better part of today were devoted to searching for fall internships, summer internships, places to rent in DC, and fully-funded PhD programs. Now I have a pretty big list of places for things and I'm tired as hell.
  3. You've never mentioned having one, but somehow the Big Lebowski shirt is absolutely no surprise at all.
  4. The Lord is Risen! He is risen Indeed. Graced with an ascot white as snow, Garbed in 'salmon' slacks, and blue striped jacket, truly, an ensemble louder than Bolt Thrower in subway station atop a jet engine, Today, 'tis the fulfillment of that promise! when he didst break the banana bread, saying, "This is my body, baked at 400 degrees for twenty-two minutes. "Take, and eat, all of you, then compliment my wife who made it with walnuts. "Do this, remembering me. For, how couldst thou not remember the hearty, earthy sweetness? And then, he took the cup after they had eaten, and gave thanks, pouring out the summer grapefruit punch, saying "This is the new covenant, sealed in my blood. Take, and add ice cubes, and drink, Do this, remembering me." Happy Easter from Georgetown!
  5. Some instrumental Celtic hip-hop stuff.
  6. 'Momento' by Lalu. Oniric Metal was a lot stronger than this, but it's not bad.
  7. Not a problem if you can support them, it's lack of evidence that'll usually get you whacked. Usually I'd say strong opinions are a good thing because limp-wristed summaries are a great way to really irritate professors in my experience.
  8. For question 1, it would be well worth it to define and clarify the word 'dominant'. Question 4 is reasonable but it really differs by genre, as FA said. Fallujah dress like hipsters but they're still pretty well-liked. I certainly enjoy their material. Generally speaking people overlook atypical dress in favor of good music, so the idea of 'typical dress' isn't particularly salient. As for question 3: metal is music. Lyrics are integral but secondary. Talking about a given 'metal' attitude is strictly speaking remiss. However, I will say that in my experience metalheads are usually not overly fussed with political correctness, and they never have been. The only normative movement concerning metal that I'm aware of is 'Metalheads against Racism', and that still doesn't stop people listening to Burzum or Nokturnal Mortum because fundamentally metal is music, not ideology. Vastly, people listen to such bands because they like the sounds they make, as one might expect would be the general attitude toward a musical genre.
  9. 'Eternal Duality' by Disillusion. I think I actually like pretty much everything from them except the demo and maybe three or four songs.
  10. Unfortunately I think I'm the only one who got this joke.
  11. 'Anecdotes of Science and Soul' by Ghost Iris. Vocals are not my favorite, but the rest is so far enjoyable.
  12. 'Crimson II' by Edge of Sanity. I remember now that this album is awesome. Somehow I forgot.
  13. Mission Impossible Rogue Nation looks hysterical.
  14. 'Vicarious Lover' by Voices. Blast beats do actually work well here. Also whenever a song has the word 'lover' in the title I keep hoping Shaggy will feature on the track. "He travels by night, journeys without destination in cold buses and cold patrons without features. He wonders if indeed they are anything like him, without identity or soul - MMM! MISTA LOBA! SHAGGEH!"
  15. "Music For The Recently Bereaved" by Voices.
  16. 'Hourglass' by Voices. Oh, I hope the rest is this good.
  17. Wintersun's probably the closest I've ever heard to 'extreme power metal', I'd just describe it as a hybrid between power metal and melodeath. BSC are more like electronica mixed with melodeath and there's no way in hell Skyfire are power/melodeath except maybe their first album. Thank God too because that album sucked buffalo balls. Also, a derisive guffaw for Dragonforce trying to be cool.
  18. The problem is that you might know the perfect word to describe a given behavior or situation but others might not. You're communicating perfectly because there is no better term, but by the same token obviously they don't know what you mean. I've had the same problem, but often people are nice enough to ask the definition of the term and again, because I have a large vocabulary I can typically explain it reasonably well.
  19. I saw a Native American guy wearing a Burzum shirt at UNM...
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