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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'Cello Wars' Star Wars cover by the Cello Guys. My head hurts, Primal Fear was on earlier today so now I need something that won't destroy my skull.
  2. 'Hayr Mer' by Blood Covenant. Simple but great.
  3. 'Spinning' by Spiral Architect.
  4. There are already far too many jokes about the preponderance of closeted homosexuals in metal music...
  5. Wow. ...I can't imagine what kind of hellish aberration this woman's voice must be must be if the Manson fan finds it aurally deplorable.
  6. That's a weird-looking coffin.
  7. Dark blue's one of my favorite colors. That's good since it's used by my university.
  8. I have to call BS on this. Maybe their recent album was like this (and it certainly was crap, I won't pretend otherwise) and it is true that they've never released a an album I really liked (bits and pieces are good. And yes, their lyrics are pretty stupid a lot of the time. However, they aren't poppy at all. In fact, they're one of the few 'gothic metal' bands who actually sound like they're bloody trying. Listen to their early work when they were doing more concept stuff and had longer songs, they were much more complex back then. Furthermore, they actually had guitars that weren't a complete afterthought in the composition. The band can riff when they want to. Mayan is rubbish though. Italy gave the world DGM, I can't complain too much. You want to castigate a country for having a crap metal scene, pick on Spain. They've got plenty of bands there but I don't think I've heard a single one outside of Darksun and maybe Skydancer that didn't completely suck.
  9. 'A Lake That Drained' by Manticora. Every time I listen to this it's just as awesome...
  10. When it comes to female vocals it's pretty hard to beat Kaisa Jouhki of Battlelore. I like her voice a lot, she doesn't feel the need to dramatically belt like so many female metal singers. Surprisingly for such relatively bombastic music her voice can be fairly calm at times.
  11. Yes I do! It was a pretty cool design, pity it never got made.
  12. I'm working as a Conference Assistant - so essentially I'm one of the people helping with logistics whenever there's an event going on. I'll be doing regular Housing Department work as well. However, I also sent a resume to the Los Alamos National Lab, so if I get the job there I think I'll take that one instead. It'd be more relevant to my prospective career field and will also allow me to be with my family over the summer, which is always awesome.
  13. Feel free to check more out if you want, I only chose the album I thought was any good. You might give Celesty a try as well, and Thy Majestie is one of the most underrated bands in the genre.
  14. Welcome to the forum. I used to be quite a power metal fan myself, it was the first genre of metal music for which I really got a liking. I'll recommend Dragonland, Nocturnal Rites and the Epica album from Kamelot to you, judging from what seems to hold your interest.
  15. For grilling BAN exclusively uses the very fires of perdition.
  16. RO branching out stylistically, I see.
  17. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood, but Grown Below and Thurisaz did not keep my interest. I do think Grown Below was the better of the two, but they both had this sort of In Mourning style to them that did not appeal to me. Scare Don't Fear - they should tour in New Mexico, they'd be huge. 'course I couldn't stand it. Honestly, I didn't mind Crimson Shadows. They sound a little like a combination of Equilibrium and Cellador, and I kind of liked some of the riffs. What killed it for me were the clean vocals, I didn't like them all that much. So, this was in my opinion the greatest band Poland has produced up to this point - Division by Zero. This band has both clean and harsh vocals performed very well by Slawek Wierny, and the overall composition is very good. The structures are engaging and the band's technical ability is very well-used. It's a pity they bit the dust in 2013, but they left the world with some of the best prog I've ever heard. Glad I got a shirt from them before they went kaput. MR37K5f7SiI
  18. Just turned in my employment agreement for the summer job, now all I need to do is fill out one more form and I'll be good to go.
  19. The engine itself is light, small and simple, which means there's less friction between the rotor and the combustion chamber walls. It can also get higher RPM than a piston engine, so with the right gearbox one could translate that into more horsepower.
  20. 'Icipher' by Dark Tranquillity. Wow, Antestor really did make a massive improvement with 'The Forsaken'...their previous two albums had good ideas here and there but overall pretty darn weak. I didn't think all that much of 'Omen' but it's growing on me.
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