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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. But they're good for drawing, apparently.
  2. 'Desert Symphony' by The Piano Guys.
  3. I've only listened to a bit of TRoB and MDB, I didn't really like them all that much. Try as I might I can't get myself to like Solstafir or Gorguts either, they're just far too plodding. Not sure about Taake or Castevet.
  4. I could, but I don't like most of the lineup. I guess Mgla, Agalloch, and Ulcerate would be nice but otherwise I can't say I'm a fan of (or even know about) most of the bands there. deathstorm says there will be a Chthonic gig in Baltomore sometime in April, so I'm curious about that.
  5. Actually, the most convenient midpoint for all of us, accounting for the clustering of members around the Atlantic, would probably be somewhere in the US. Denver, perhaps. Or maybe DC.
  6. When I was out in Jersey for my grandfather's funeral someone actually offered me the chance to drive his Jaguar XF, but I refused. It would only have been the parking lot or maybe the road so it wouldn't have been fun, it was a manual and I don't trust myself with those...and besides, the guy and his wife were expecting their first child. If I'd screwed something up I would have felt very bad about it. I can't destroy their dreams of letting baby ride in a Jaaaaag.
  7. I forgot to mention that, you're completely right.
  8. I wish there were a similarly patriotic and hilarious show in the US. We have to put up with Top Gear USA, which misses the point and is crap. At least our gun shows are OK...
  9. Iceni


    As for how I'd like to be remembered...that's the choice of the people who knew me. My grandfather's eulogy, which my mom wrote, was pretty straightforward and heartfelt. It simply remembered things about him that my family, my mom in particular, loved. I would be honored to have such a eulogy.
  10. Try out Volbeat, I like a some of their work. You might also try Las Cruces, I think they're from San Antonio.
  11. 'Under Ytan' by Pan.Thy.Monium. Mmf, less impressive than their other stuff but not really bad.
  12. Yup, we get JBaker, SBird94, Yobo, Ghouly, ~Mere~, H34VYM3T4LD4V3, deathstorm and Atrocity to give a nice welcome, BlutAusNerd to be cordial, RelentlessOblivion to be coy and dismissive, and then FA and me to handle the assholery duties, a job we tackle with pride and enthusiasm.
  13. You're assuming we're hardworking enough to construct a facade in the first place...
  14. Iceni


    I agree, I would like my eulogy to be truthful. If my faults (and I have many) are going to come up I don't want people whitewashing them or pretending they didn't exist. If they're going to lament my death I'd rather they mourn me rather than an idealized, fictional version of me.
  15. Oh hey, somebody else who listens to Volbeat. I thought I was the only one...
  16. I finished up 'Dawn of Dreams' by Pan.Thy.Monium, and while I liked a lot of it I don't think it's perfect. If Swano had brought some of the Karaboudjan craziness onto Pan.Thy.Monium more and more, I'd like them even better. As it is it's very enjoyable stuff.
  17. I suppose Eowyn has dibs on the Witch-King's though.
  18. There's going to be a new Centaurus-A album? Awesome!
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