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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. My grades finally seem to be improving in Economics. Also the fact that Gonin-Ish sings in Japanese instead of English probably does a lot to help me tolerate the schizoid shrieking psycho lady doing vocals.
  2. 'Futari Asobi' by Gonin-Ish.
  3. Wow, I thought your love for Edguy was embarrassing...
  4. True, nobody should have to suffer the intense disappointment of seeing so much talent thrown down the drain.
  5. But then murph would have to leave. C'mon, pleeease? Can't we drag his wretched corpse around the market square for just a liiiittle while longer?
  6. How so? It seems to me that Tosin Abasi is very capable but he does next to nothing really interesting with his talent.
  7. Ohh, dissa gonna be messy! Me no watchen!
  8. Meesa theologically bombad!
  9. Experiences Galveston's tidal patterns.
  10. Animals As Leaders is probably the best modern example of that phenomenon.
  11. 'Muge No Hito' by Gonin-Ish.
  12. 'Hanicka - Pribeh Nebozacky' by !T.O.O.H!. I know you've got a yen for Czech stuff, but I had to sort of build up an immunity before giving them a go. I enjoy them now.
  13. Well, you've clearly played once...
  14. It means you have someone with whom to to play!
  15. Come on, you're married! You're past the Pathetic Loneliness Threshold.
  16. Yeah, I do that every Friday night. It's really fun.
  17. 'Jinbaika' by Gonin-Ish. I highly recommend them, Vladimir Cochet crafts some splendid material.
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