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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Wow, what an amazing penis you have! Gosh, it's so nice of you to whip it out and swing it around like this for all of us.
  2. 'The Serpent's Manifolds' by Transcending Bizarre.
  3. Not to be rude, but have you considered playing more material from metal subgenres other than those offered by most local rock radio stations?
  4. Old Minis, yes, but the new ones look awful.
  5. 'Intelligence Is Sexy' by ...and Oceans. It better be, that's my only hope...
  6. If they work I really don't have a complaint, I'm actually quite fond of the retro styling on the 500 and I might even call the Abarth version kind of cool.
  7. You got off lucky. If you live in the US enjoying anything by Halestorm is a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison.
  8. 8/10 better than most in that genre but not particularly captivating to my ears. AU9VobPGgZQ
  9. 'Dessicated' by Transcending Bizarre. Nice variety but I'm hoping for more savage psychosis like what I remember from listening to them first time round.
  10. To Gangnam Style? That'd be hilarious more than arousing.
  11. What's the deal with Drudkh, are they anti-clerical or just more straightforwardly pagan?
  12. 'The Battle Of Geeheeb' by Pan.Thy.Monium.
  13. Welcome back, Stew Balls. 'Sonic Maze' by Animations.
  14. Vapour (Mirco Niemeier Edit) by Aleah.
  15. I second 'Blue', that's a great chorus.
  16. http://metalforum.com/general-chat/1368-guilty-pleasures-2.html We actually have four threads on this subject, apparently. This one here is the longest.
  17. 'A Virtual Lovestory' by Conception. Fun, groovy prog.
  18. Actually, I do think we have a thread on this topic. In any case, 'Towa No Kizuna' by DaisyxDaisy is a nice song but there's no way I can even type that band name with a straight face. The song itself is fairly cheesy but the piano is splendid and the melody's nice so I like it anyway.
  19. Thanks. I was worried about it but it seems the TA's advice paid off.
  20. Got an A- on this last paper, splendid. The thesis was somewhat ambitious so I'm very pleased it paid off.
  21. My paternal grandparents lived in Durban for a while, I remember it being nice.
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