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  1. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
  2. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in New Orange Goblin   
    Previous Orange Goblin topic was closed ages ago so there may not be much point reopening it but the new single is a catchy little ditty.
    Looking forward to the new album Science, Not Fiction in July
  3. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Erytrosy - Incomplete Minds
    ▶︎ Incomplete Minds | Erytrosy | Necroeucharist Productions (bandcamp.com)

    Bit of a minor classic here from '96. I love that older sounding death metal guitar where you get that really nice chunk from the muted riff attacks bolstered by only slightly less muted single string discordant through lines.
  4. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Satyricon - Nemesis Divina (1996)
  5. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Kreator - Enemy of God (2005)
  6. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to JamesT in What Are You Listening To?   
    Love me some Tyr!  The epic feel to the music, the melodic compositions, and the stellar vocals all make this band a great listen at any time.
    Can't go wrong with Body Count either!  The last couple of albums have been fantastic. 
  7. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Body Count - Murder 4 Hire
  8. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Black Label Society - The Blessed Hellride
  9. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Morgoth - Cursed (1991)
    Have we lost @Yannis?
  10. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Tyr - Battle Ballads
  11. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from JonoBlade in What Are You Listening To?   
  12. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to Necrolord in What Are You Listening To?   
    Been on an Annihilator binge the last couple weeks. Not that I've had much time to listen to music. Only heard their 1st two albums in full before now. 

    Tight, fast and catchy riffing. That's what makes the band. They can be cheesy at times but when the musicianship is this good, I'll allow it....

    Started off with Refresh the Demon on which songs 1-3, and 5 are killer. Went over to King of the Kill where I only enjoyed "21" and "Second to None" (except the mellow middle part). Checked out their S/T (2010) and it's overall pretty solid. And finally currently listening to Metal which is also pretty good after one listen. 
    And speaking of riffs, also been revisiting random tracks off this old favorite of mine:
  13. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Assylum - Terror
  14. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Hazzerd - Skin Peeler and Stella's Scream
    (two new tracks with lyrics written by author Julie Hiner that tie in with one of her books)
  15. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to JamesT in What Are You Listening To?   
    Hardbone - "This is Rock 'N' Roll"
    Hardbone - "Bone Hard"
    Overkill - "Scorched"
    Facebreaker - "Dead, Rotten, and Hungry"
    Fantastic, mid-paced death metal!
  16. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from Thatguy in What's on your mind?   
    Having problems with my computer lately it is a 20 year old IMAC, that is my excuse and I am sticking with it 
    Weihenstephan is without a doubt one of the best beers I have ever tasted about $6 a bottle here but worth it. That being said I try to avoid beer as much as possible and stick to clear alcohol when I drink, I lift weights and don't need those estrogen bombs in my system moobs and dickey do's are the last thing I want to be rockin. Vodka straight up with lime and soda water or Single Malt Scotch neat, vodka martini's and Black Russians are tasty too 🤘  
  17. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to navybsn in What's on your mind?   
    I believe that is what really turned me off to IPAs. Like Surge, I won't turn down a perfectly good beer if someone is handing it to me, but they're never my first choice. Down here, breweries either try to see just how bitter they can make a beer as some kind of badge of honor or how many weird ass fruit combos can be added. It's akin to the hot wings trend, let's make these perfectly good chicken wings inedible as some test of manhood by adding 43 ghost peppers and top it with a scotch bonnet. People claim to enjoy them, but I can't see how.
    And it's all fine and good. Plenty of beer out there to like for everyone. Just annoying that every brewery has to have 60-75% of the menu dedicated to the same variation of style. In stores, seems that's all they carry anymore and most just suck (the ones you mentioned, Voodoo Ranger, Space Dust, 420, the list goes on). Many started out good, but over the years got bought out by conglomerates or over expanded and the quality dropped. Stone was sold several years ago and had never been the same.
    Everyone has their own preferences. I personally don't like German beer. Lukewarm on IPAs and Pilsners. Will never seek one out, but will never turn down a freebie.
  18. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to navybsn in What's on your mind?   
    Non-alcoholic beer is actually a big trend with the kids and breweries are ramping up production to match. Personally, I don't see the point, but whatever floats their boat. If I want something non-alcoholic, many better choices. But hey, for folks with legit medical reasons to avoid alcohol but still want to enjoy a beer, it's a boon.
  19. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in What's on your mind?   
    I don't know if it's worth a damn, not having tried it, but I've seen in my local that several of the better known foreign brewers like Paulaner and Weihenstephan are making non-alcoholic versions of their beer. If anyone can pull off a reliably decent tasting non-alcoholic, it's probably going to be one of them.
    What's interesting about those breweries though, is because their beer is so "blah" in flavor, their quality control is absolutely topnotch. It has to be because being so lacking in actual flavor any deviation would be incredibly noticeable
  20. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What's on your mind?   
    I used to take stout to parties all the time in the 80's because it was the only shit that would still be left in the fridge at the end of the night. Even a piss head wouldn't drink sump oil.
  21. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What's on your mind?   
    Wanting beer that tastes like fruit is like wanting bacon that tastes like ice cream.
  22. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Motorhead - No Sleep Til Hammersmith 40th anniversary
  23. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    Electric Wizard - Wizard Bloody Wizard
  24. Horns
    RexKeltoi given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
  25. Horns
    RexKeltoi gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Happy Zombie Jesus day! Let's start off by serenading the neighborhood with some proper religious tunes.
    Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
    Candlemass - Nightfall 
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