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SurgicalBrute last won the day on May 28

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  1. Walpyrgus - Walpyrgus Night Traditional metal album that's also poppy as fuck and I love it...Navy, if youre not familiar, you'd probably dig this
  2. Downwinder - Claws Of Despair
  3. vargrav - reign in supreme darkness
  4. Yeah...my wife and I have a tendency to end up with a bit of a zoo as well. At one point we had 3 cats and 3 dogs, so I know your pain well šŸ˜†. Right now we're at 3 cats and 2 pups, but my wife is still testing the waters about possibly bringing home a 3rd, older dog at a later date šŸ™„.
  5. Vinyl Disguised Malignance - Entering the Gateways (underrated death metal from last year) Nocturnal Graves - An Outlaw's Stand (if the stores going to sell it for less than the price of a CD, I'm sure as hell not going to turn it down) CD Civerous - Maze Envy (probably going to go full Tomb Mold on their next release, but this one is a nice bit of death/doom with some leanings into prog territory) Coffins - Sinister Oath (Already have this on digital, but it's so good it's earned a physical media purchase)
  6. I will tell you, when youre ready for it...nothing helps as much as having a new guy in the house. Like, you never stop missing the ones you lose, but a new bud running around definitely makes it easier. A couple weeks back, my wife and I lost our pit bull after 18 years...our last dog in the house and the last of our original group of pets we'd had from when we first got married. That was rough, especially for my wife as she's very much a dog person. This past Wednesday though, she came home with two new little pups and her mood has done a complete 180..and shelters are always looking for people who want cats, since there are so many of them running around
  7. Oh shit dude...Im honestly, sorry to hear that. I'm the same way with my cats, and we had a very similar experience with my last boy. Same kind of problem, same out of the blue loss. I know exactly what kind of hole they leave in your life when they're gone...especially when it happens like that. Really sorry for your loss, man
  8. I mean...some of the other Nu-metal bands I remember...there's Spineshank and Soil...maybe Nonpoint or Flaw might line up with what youre looking for...unfortunately "vibe" is kind of a subjective qualifier. Chances are nothing is going to give you that same feeling because it was as much about the movie you were watching as it was the actual song that was playing.
  9. I mean, I don't like Nu-metal, but I wasn't being sarcastic with my answer... Theyre not perfect matches but Mudvayne, Sevendust, Cold and Adema were the first bands that came to mind when i listened to the band you posted
  10. Not tough...we just have different tastes around here Doubt you'll find anything exactly like that band you posted...but listening to the one track i did...and drawing on the unfortunate knowledge of nu-metal I acquired when younger...I'd look to bands like Mudvayne or Sevendust, and maybe Cold or Adema
  11. Was just playing that yesterday....wasn't sure about it with the first track, but the longer the album went on the more I started liking it
  12. Zhrine - Unortheta Forgot just how cool this album is
  13. DEATH VOMIT - Gutted by Horrors https://xtreemmusic.bandcamp.com/album/gutted-by-horrors
  14. Warrior - Hate Maelstrom Much like the first album, it's decent enough, but still doesnt quite hit the spot. There also seems to be some kind of weird echo effect on the vocals that I don't care for https://grindtodeathrecords.bandcamp.com/album/hate-maelstrom
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