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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Reminds me of a thing last year that went around Facebook talking about abandon power stations and how much of a waste they were to the general public. It was brought up due to the fascination in some circles for abandoned buildings, but this particular site went hell for leather attacking Australia for derelict sites naming them and saying what happened in the rooms and sections. Half the stories were wrong, most didn't even have a basis of truth about them and some of the pics weren't even Australia power stations. But heaps of people hung off the site daily for weeks claiming all sorts of great stories. There was some brilliant stories about what some rooms were used for, and some even better ones about why the equipment that was left behind was still there, but none of it was true, despite that people hung off every word of the author.
  2. They're not the worst albums I've heard. They could do with a bit more Bob Rock to really take them up a notch or two.. A ballad or three wouldn't go astray and a radio friendly 3 minute repetitive hit would top it off nicely. The band themselves need a bit of an image change too, more make up, dress shirts and a hair brush though their hair every day as a start.
  3. Metallica - Kill Em All Metallica - Ride The Lightning
  4. Bonded By Blood - Feed The Beast
  5. Ramones would be on the list I think.
  6. Suicidal Angel - Years Of Aggression
  7. Yeah back in the day when I couldn't afford or justify a car with a CD player in it and the portable one that connected to the tape deck was more hassle that it was worth so the soundtrack to anything but a long drive was commercial radio. All those bands that got hammered on the likes of MMM etc just got too much to listen to. I doubt I'd have been a fan anyway but I certainly wasn't when everytime the radio came on in the car or at some workplace it was the same shitty songs.
  8. I'm going to go with Good but not exceptional. I like her voice, it's raw and for me carries a good anger through the album. I like most of the music but it seems to dip out here and there, kind of like they get tired playing their instruments before the song is up and they go onto something easier to fill in. Overall if I owned it I don't think I'd listen to it that often but it also wouldn't be at the back of the drawer.
  9. I wasn't into enough of that type of music to be a 'fan' and I certainly don't own any of their albums. Damn, if we have to give the Poms AC/DC because they were born there we have to give just about every band that came out of Adelaide in the late 60's and 70's to the Poms as well given they were nearly all "two pound poms". Although I don't listen to them much any more I prefer to think of AC/DC as ex-pat Aussies because they grew up and learnt their craft here I was never into Jet, or Wolfmother or those types of bands that got heaps of airplay on MMM. But I was a fan of earlier stuff from bands like the Tatts, The Angels, etc. I also don't mind Airbourne but they seem to be the Aussie band to hate these days,
  10. I was on stilts! I hated Silverchair and Living End, although that song of theirs about 'Society' was fucking catchy as hell and I refuse to listen to it now because of the ear worm it is. Never did any gigs with Silverchair but LE were fucking diva's. Something For Kate were also fairly popular at the time amongst the same crowds but they were all gigs for younger kids, I think even then in my 30's I was considered an old fart!
  11. Can't say I've heard it and I can't seem to find it on YT, is it available somewhere? Edit: I think I just found it in two parts
  12. Last time I let it hang out it got bitten by a dog, it was a chihuahua....standing in hole...with no legs!! Some look at it as boring, some look at it as relaxed, I relate to the relaxed life better now that I'm also a grumpy old fart
  13. Megadeth - So Far So Good So What
  14. Hang on, so walking around with it hanging out is only okay if you give someone instructions on what they can do with it? One is no longer allowed to just let the old fella catch the breeze? Damn these rule changes! I've turned up to gigs in work clothes and prayed the gig finished before I had to be at work. Mine you I was also praying I didn't stink of booze and the walk back to the depot sobered me up.
  15. Does the top need words on it if you're wearing no pants?
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