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Everything posted by Sheol

  1. This was a nice little discovery I found last night. Dormant Ordeal surprise dropped a new album today after 5 years of silence! Riff-heavy polish death metal. "We had it coming" was one of my favourite albums 2016 so I'm really stoked about this. https://dormantordeal.bandcamp.com/album/the-grand-scheme-of-things
  2. That was a great read, I've always liked Jason. I wish he had been treated better by James and Lars.
  3. Yeah I remember that EP. It was really good, until you told me they were hardcore supernazis. Brutal fuck off to that. I can't stop listening to this, how can this song be this good?? (yes, that's Jake on clean vocals, sorry 🤣) Stormkeep - The Serpent's Stone
  4. That sounds like a Castlevania soundtrack 😍 The incurable Revenant Marquis is releasing an ambient/dungeon synth album. Sounds very nice and moody from teh preview track. https://revenantmarquisuk.bandcamp.com/album/cyflymiad-or-holl-arferion-ocwlt
  5. Hahaha, that's hilarious! So in what way? Just obnoxious and full of them selves, or christian fundamentalist nazi pedos?🤣
  6. Oh dear.... This is gonna end in tears. No matter what happens, it sounds like you have some dramatic days ahead of you.
  7. Agreed. Context matters. I think it's about your priorities. If you feel you need to hide your drinking, in order to continue doing it, so others won't complain, I think there's two things that should happen. 1. You reflecting on why drinking is that important to you. 2. A frank discussion with those opposed to it to resolve your differences. And also ask yourself what happens to you when you are denied your drink. How do you feel, emotionally and physically. If you get angry, irritated, restless and can't stopping thinking about that drink, then I absolutely say you have a problem on the horizon. Masking the smell because others don't like it is another thing, but that wasn't the context I was getting from Blackdoom.
  8. Visigoth - Conqurer's Oath I don't know how I could dismiss this album as weak and with bad vocals when it came out. It's fantastically fun and well-done!
  9. Tbh, hiding your drinking from your wife doesn't sound like the best lifechoice in the long run. Seems indicative of larger issues, but what do I know? I think feeling the need to hide your drinking in general is a red flag.
  10. I can't believe this is your first band hoodie, old man. Do you wear bandshirts in general?
  11. Well I live in northern Sweden so there's very few bigger bands playing here. It always takes a festival or something to bring them here, and it's usually hard to prioritize a trip to Stockholm or such when you have job, family, etc.
  12. You're missing out on a ton of stuff my dude, just like you do if you only order through Hell's Headbanger and no where else 😀
  13. This was a lot better than anticipated. Mainly because current In Flames is garbage. I just have two objections; 1) Stanne isn't that great a growler, he's much better clean singer. Daniel Svensson should've done the growls. 2) More melodies please, preferably twin harmonies.
  14. On my first spin of this badboy, pre-ordered the vinyl as soon as it hit, together with the new Stormkeep and Night Eternal Whoredom Rife - Winds of Wrath
  15. So, when did Darkwoods, My Betrothed decide to not be a joke anymore? Dautuz - Vom schwarzen Schmied
  16. That one surprised me. I haven't paid attention to Gaahl since... a long time. And this was very nice, earthy metal. Sometimes black metal, with traces of the kind of nostalgic folk Myrkur and Heilung trade in
  17. Thanks for those links Dead, some weekend reading 😀
  18. Sheol


    While it's a nice lyrical message, that song was awful.
  19. Haha no I actually haven't seen them live ever. They were supposed to play at a local festival a couple of years ago but pulled out to go on a tour or something. Am disappoint.
  20. New album incoming february 2022!
  21. Varde - Fedraminne Novae Militae - The tables of revelations Dark Tranquillity - A drawn out exit Reign - A breath over the mountain pass Witches moon - Burning the seal Mary Spender - Wait for me Garmarna - Lussi lilla Paimon - Cursed eternity Häxkapell - Askans drottning. Dark tranquillity - Eyes of the world Not a bad mix, I think Dark tranquillity ironically enough is the band I've listened to the least out of these albums.
  22. Well Katatonia has changed so much during their 30 year career, so YMWV depending on what style you gravitate towards. They started out as a gothic black metal band with Jhva Elohim Meth and Dance of december souls. Quite raw and unpolished, but with an eye for melancholy. Gateways of Bereavement Then they found that they could combine monotone riffings with growls and cleans on Brave Murder Day (growls by Mike Åkerfeldt of Opeth) to great effect. Brave After that they became something closer to what we have today on Today's Decision and Last Fair Deal Gone Down, with exclusively clean vocals from Jonas Renkse and tons of gloomy, melancholic leads. Probably my favorite phase, with Viva Emptiness as the crowning glory of an album. Ghost of the Sun Then they had a period where they simply perfected thier formula with Night is the New Day and The Great Cold Distance. This is my least favourite phase, because they started experimenting with heavier, downtuned guitars and what I can only describe as "modern" djenty riffs. Day and Then The Shade Finally they found a right balance between modern sounds and their classic gothic metal sound on Dead End Kings and forward. The Winter of Our Passing
  23. The new Cradle of Filth album. This is good stuff. Surprisingly good. You can tell that Dani's been around for a while and know how to achieve their sound
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