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Everything posted by Sheol

  1. TBH I've never really understood what makes the Hellenic scene distinct from the other scenes, granted I haven't done a ton of digging into bands either. I've never got hooked on neither Septic flesh or Rotting christ, but I do appreciate Sakis Tolis bear-vocals. I think Yoth Iria are quite good though. They released a hell of a debut album this year. Anyone heard it?
  2. I'm in the same seat as the Goatmaster, in fact we migrated from the same forum, and hopefully this is a place to stick my tentpoles in the ground (i.e. asshole-free but plenty of opinions!). I'm from Sweden, main metal genre is by far black metal, but pretty much all genres has a place in my heart, though some may require more effort to win my love (prog, doom, grind need to be really fucking good to catch my attention). How's the geographical distribution here, mostly USA or?
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